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Boston Globe special projects
Speed trap -7/03
A Globe analysis of traffic tickets and warnings, from every police department in the state, shows differences in race, sex and age in who gets a fine, and who gets a break, for the same offenses.
Read series
Northern Ireland's uneasy peace -7/03
Five years after the historic Good Friday accord, the walls dividing Catholic and Protestant Northern Ireland have grown higher in many places.
Read series
Candidate in the Making-6/03
The Globe examined of the life and record of Senator John F. Kerry, whose political roots
in Massachusetts go back to the early 1970s and who is now vying for the Democratic presidential nomination. Read series
Deadly Decisions -6/03
A two-month investigation by the Boston Globe into the deadly fire at The Station nightclub in R.I. found, among other things, that two of the club's four available exits proved nearly useless.
Read series
Easy Pass -2/03
A yearlong investigation by the Boston Globe found that over $1 billion of Big Dig cost overruns were due to errors by project managers Bechtel/Parsons Brinckerhoff.
Read series
Lives Lost -1/03
This section launched a yearlong effort by the Globe to feature stories on world health challenges and the solutions that are within reach.
Read section
On the Home Front -Ongoing
As the US continues its buildup of troops for a possible war with Iraq, one scene has become familiar: tearful goodbyes as men and women in the National Guard are called up for active duty. The Globe will run a series of occasional articles looking at life on the home front for one local family.
Read series
Abuse in the Catholic Church -Ongoing
In a wide-ranging series of investigations, the Globe Spotlight Team exposes the crisis of clergy sexual abuse in the Catholic Church. This special section includes church documents, video, and interactive features.
Read Spotlight report
Sept. 11 anniversary -9/02
September 11, 2002, passed quietly and reflectively, a national requiem that found citizens and leaders grasping for words to describe the hellish events of a year ago.
Read coverage
After Sept. 11 -7/02
Planners and architects are devising new ways to make structures ranging from office building to national landmarks safer in the post-Sept. 11 world.
Nuclear shadow -6/02
Globe writers David Filipov and Anne Kornblut examine the most worrisome threat in an age of terror: the proliferation of nuclear weapons among dangerous nations.
Read series
Obstacles to peace -6/02
Globe writer Charles Radin studies the roadblocks standing in the way of a lasting peace in the Middle East.
Read series
Adriana's Trial -4/02
For patients, clinical trials are unpredictable odysseys, excruciating ordeals, heroic fights, desperate last gasps. The Globe followed breast cancer patient Adriana Jenkins during eight months of trials.
A change of heart -11/01
Sept. 11 has turned America from a culture of buyers to givers. The Globe takes a look at the state of charity in a year
brimming with tragedy and compassion.
Read special section
A Common-sense Guide to Keeping Safe -11/01
Most Americans are experiencing the symptoms of an epidemic: fear. The central questions of the moment are tough ones. How safe am I? How safe is my family?
Read special section
Harvard's quiet secret: rampant grade inflation -10/01
Harvard University has a dirty little secret: a grade inflation culture that allows 91 percent of students to graduate with honors, rendering the distinction virtually meaningless.
Read series
The Wiring of a Continent - 07/01
Hardly any of Africa's 800 million people have a telephone or access to the Internet. Now digital entrepreneurs are seeking to bridge the telecommunications divide. The continent needs bandwidth, and it needs geeks -- lots of them.
Read series
The Secret History of World War II
This ongoing series of articles sheds new light on key events of World War II, from Pearl Harbor to the Holocaust. The stories are based on some of the more than 3 million files released under a 1999 executive order requiring the US intelligence establishment to declassify a half-century's worth of secrets about the war.
Read series
The Lost Boys - 07/01
In December 2000, 12 teenaged boys left mud huts in the Kenyan plain for a new life they could imagine only in the dimmest way. As they prepared to board their first motorized vehicle for their first airplane flight and their first glimpse of the West, someone taught them a new word: Massachusetts.
Read series
Earlier projects
