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Edward Everett Ervanian

Cranston, R.I.


Edward Ervanian spent his life collecting a wealth of sports trivia.

From the Providence Bruins to the Boston Red Sox and the New England Patriots, he knew the players and their stats -- and had the ticket stubs and team gear to prove it.

"He was a huge sports fan, he just loved it," recalled his cousin, Ronald DeSimone.

Each March, the cousins would e-mail each other preseason predictions for the upcoming Red Sox season, and delight in seeing how their predictions played out. "We shared the same passion for sports," he said.

To mark his cousin's death, DeSimone carried a glossy sports magazine to the nightclub where the 29-year-old perished. He snuck through barriers in order to place it where he hopes his cousin celebrated some final good times.

DeSimone's sister, Lauren, said she never saw Ervanian in a bad mood, and even though she and her cousin Eddie bonded over shared musical tastes, she said his love of music couldn't compare to his passion for sports.

"He was definitely a sports fanatic. He always had a hat or jersey on," she said.

His father, Edward C. Ervanian, is the former deputy fire chief in Cranston and retired in June 1997.

The younger Ervanian's grandmother, Carole Ervanian, noted there was something else important in her grandson's life. On Christmas Day, he proposed to his girlfriend, Stephanie Bowering. They planned to be married in May 2004.

He had recently bought a condominium with money he earned managing the seafood department at Super Stop & Shop, and was overflowing with happiness, said his grandfather, for whom he was named.

