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Kevin J. Dunn



With a wife and a one-year-old daughter, Kevin Dunn's life had begun to show promise.

He had been sober for eight years, thanks to regular attendance at Alcoholics Anonymous and strong support from his parents and siblings. Dunn, 37, moved from Quincy to Attleboro, where he married his wife Eileen. He also worked for a manufacturer in heating ducts, Environmental Systems. His infant daughter, Joanna, celebrated her first birthday Feb. 4.

"He and Eileen brought her here, and we all celebrated," said his mother, Teresa Dunn, a cashier at K-Mart in Braintree. "It was a joy to see him sober because we all suffered when he was drinking. I even went with him to meetings. That's how bad we wanted to see him turn it around."

His father, James Dunn, 62, said his son, the oldest of five children, was doing well managing his life as a husband and a father. "He had eight years sobriety under his belt and we were proud of that because we knew how much grit it took not to drink," he said. "You hate to see anybody, especially someone in your family, into drinking like that but he made it back and was turning things around for himself. That makes him a winner."

Dunn's parents say they last saw their son the Sunday before the tragedy at The Station in West Warwick. "He was sober, but he still liked his concerts and rock 'n' roll," said Mrs. Dunn. "He said he enjoyed going to them and not being under the influence.".