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Robert Reisner

Coventry, R.I.

Some things were certain with Robert Reisner.

The 29-year-old school bus driver drank a cup of coffee with his mother every morning before starting his route at 6 a.m., listened to WHJY-FM, and would choose a slice of pizza over a fancy meal any day.

His new job with the school bus company Laidlaw gave him at least an hour break, which he often used to lunch with Judy O'Brien, his 50-year-old mother.

Besides that, he loved rock shows. "You could always .nd him at home unless he was at a concert," said his youngest brother, Corey Reisner.

His home was a one-bedroom apartment Reisner shared with his mother in Coventry. "We were very close and shared everything," she said. After three tough years financially, they were planning to move to a larger apartment.

A year ago, Reisner traveled with Corey to New York City to see the remains of the World Trade Center. Like many times when they had driven miles to see a concert or go fishing, the brothers listened to music more than they talked.

"He wanted to do a lot of things, like anybody else," Corey Reisner said. "He wasn't .ashy at all. Just a quiet guy who liked to dress in jeans and T-shirts."