Foreign policy

The U.S. government spends less than 1 percent of its budget on non-military foreign affairs, including foreign aid. That's down from 2 percent in 1975 and 4.5 percent in 1965.

Bill Bradley
  Bill Bradley (Democrat)
Depend more on international organizations to respond to ethnic conflicts. In Senate, backed aid to Contra rebels in Nicaragua. Singles out Mexico, Japan, China, Russia, and Germany as the most important nations for U.S. foreign policy.

Al Gore
  Al Gore (Democrat)
United States should pay its U.N. debt in full. Unspecified extra spending on foreign affairs. United States should show willingness to "use our strength -- to lead the world toward what is right and just."

Gary Bauer
  Gary Bauer (Republican)
Defeat "isolationist voices" in United States. "America is called to use its power abroad." Abolish International Monetary Fund.

George W. Bush
  George W. Bush (Republican)
Keep sanctions on Cuba. Move U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv.

Steve Forbes
  Steve Forbes (Republican)
Eliminate IMF. European Union is "misguided global institution."

Orrin Hatch
  Orrin Hatch (Republican)
No U.S. involvement in foreign struggles for independence. Backs IMF.

Alan Keyes
  Alan Keyes (Republican)
Former ambassador to U.N. social and economic council calls U.N. "source of pernicious and dangerously naive globalist dreams."

John McCain
  John McCain (Republican)
"Despite the isolationist views of a distinct minority, we have every intention of continuing to use our primacy in world affairs for humanity's benefit." United States should support forces trying to overthrow regimes in Iraq, North Korea and other "rogue" states, and use IMF influence to press Russia to settle with Chechnya. United Nations cannot hold "the leading responsibility for international stability, freedom and justice."

  Pat Buchanan (Reform Party)
End foreign aid, except in response to natural disasters. Avoid foreign intervention not affecting U.S. vital interest: "I intend to isolate America from all the bloody territorial, tribal and ethnic wars." NATO campaign for Kosovo was "illegal war on Serbia." Would withdraw United States from unspecified "international organizations that imperil our financial stability and economic independence.''