Bush, Gore push for true 'Super Tuesday'

By David Espo, Associated Press, 03/06/00

WASHINGTON -- Hoping for a Super Tuesday worthy of the name, George W. Bush and Al Gore campaigned on opposite coasts Monday in parallel pursuit of the victories needed to settle their parties' nominating struggles.

"Rest is for another day," said Gore's rival, Bill Bradley. And on the eve of a virtual nationwide presidential primary with contests in all regions of the country, all sides seemed to agree.

Republican John McCain said he sensed a backlash developing against campaign commercials aired by Bush and "his sleazy Texas buddies" in New York and elsewhere.

The front-runners, Bush and Gore, both courted Jewish voters as they tailored their messages as much to the general election as Tuesday's primaries.

"Tolerance can never be assumed, and it always must be taught," Bush said at the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles where he also stressed his support for "a safe and secure Israel."

Gore, in New York, told a Jewish organization he would be a "good and helpful and loyal friend" to Israel if elected to the White House.

Public opinion polls had Gore ahead of Bradley virtually everywhere. Bush's position wasn't as commanding, although he led McCain in the polls in several key states, including Ohio, Maryland, Georgia, Missouri and in the winner-take-all competition for 162 California delegates. McCain's strength was in New England, and he and Bush battled fiercely in New York.

Bush and McCain girded for elections in 13 states in all, 11 primaries and two caucuses, with 613 delegates up for grabs. Democrats had contests in 15 states and the American Samoa, 11 primaries and five caucuses with 1,315 delegates in play. Many states predicted record voter turnouts.

Aides said the Bush campaign was making 2 million get-out-the-vote calls in nine states in the Super Tuesday lineup.

Beyond that, though, the Texas governor's high command was looking ahead. They said he will try to raise as much as $10 million in the coming weeks for use against the Democrats. They also said there have been informal discussions about expanding his team of advisers for the fall campaign.

McCain, upset about privately sponsored environmental ads, announced at day's end that he had filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission alleging the ads were illegally coordinated with Bush's campaign.

Before the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations, Gore signaled support for moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem and hinted broadly that he would look with disfavor on any attempt by the Palestinian Authority to declare an independent state.

But at the same time, his rhetoric bordered on opaque. Asked about moving the embassy, for example, he said the question should be decided as part of "final status" peace talks among the Mideast nations. But, he added, "The outcome I think is hardly in doubt and my desires are the same as your desires."

The vice president also visited a physical rehabilitation facility in Brooklyn, N.Y., where he criticized McCain and -- especially -- Bush for their approach to health care.

"Under his leadership, the state of Texas now ranks 49th in health insurance for children. And health insurance for women? Fiftieth. Fifty out of 50." Aides said his statistics came from a study done by Families USA, which is closely aligned with Democrats.

Bush's remarks on tolerance came after weeks of controversy over his visit to Bob Jones University, which had banned interracial dating and was attacked by critics for anti-Catholic views. His remarks were laced with references to anti-Semitism and the Holocaust, as well.

"Anti-Semitism once destroyed the moral foundations of one of the most educated nations on earth," he said. Declaring it necessary to battle intolerance, he said, "I believe our nation is chosen by God and commissioned by history to be a model to the world of justice and inclusion and diversity without division."

Bush began his day in San Diego, where he criticized Gore over education. Gore wants to build more schools, Bush said, while he wants greater accountability in the classroom.

"We'll listen to Al Gore talk about buildings, bricks and mortar, and this campaign, we'll talk about saving people's lives," he said.

McCain, who turned the GOP race upside-down with a New Hampshire victory and then stunned Bush in Michigan, said the voters might deliver another surprise Tuesday.

"We're starting to see a backlash" against television commercials, he said.

"We ask Governor Bush to do what he refused to do all day yesterday on nationwide television and tell his sleazy Texas buddies to stop these negative attacks."

McCain was referring to commercials attacking his environmental record, paid for by two Texas brothers, Sam and Charles Wyly, who are supporters of the governor. In addition, McCain was angered by a Bush campaign commercial, running in New York, that attacked him as an opponent of increased breast cancer research.

"The last three days we've had the initiative," McCain said. "They handed us back the reform issue" that has been central to his success in the earlier primaries.

For his part, Bradley campaigned in three New York City boroughs as well as in White Plains.

At a dusk rally in Manhattan's Bryant Park, Bradley told hundreds of supporters, "With your help, tomorrow New York will send the most powerful message across this country that we want a new politics, a new day."

But he sounded at times like a man who knew his days were numbered.

"We've put some issues on the agenda that weren't there before," he said, mentioning health care, gun control and campaign finance. "The Democratic Party has moved in the direction I've pushed it over the last year."