Gore fares better in 2 of 3 instant polls, but both improved image

Associated Press, 10/04/00

WASHINGTON -- Al Gore fared better among debate watchers in two of three instant polls conducted by the television networks, but both candidates appeared to improve their public images.

Gore, the Democratic vice president was judged to have performed better in the debates in a CBS News poll of 812 registered voters by 56 percent to 42 percent for George W. Bush, the Republican governor of Texas.

Gore was seen to have performed better by 48 percent to 41 percent for Bush in a CNN-USA Today-Gallup poll of 435 registered voters who watched the debate. The two were ranked about even in an ABC News poll -- women favored Gore while men favored Bush.

One measure that may have helped Bush: A third in the CNN-USA Today-Gallup poll had a better impression of him after the debate, while a fourth had a better impression of Gore.

The CBS poll, conducted online among a random sample of viewers who were given WebTV to participate in the poll, showed that Bush still has to convince more voters that he had adequately prepared for the job. Just over half, 54 percent, said he has adequately prepared for the job compared with 70 percent who said that of Gore. That's about the same results the two got on that question in a regular CBS-New York Times poll released Monday.

The polls had error margins of 4 percentage points, but they are not seen as a measure of settled public opinion. They are instant, emotional reactions by debate watchers that don't always hold up over time.

Public opinon about polls can take several days to develop, based on discussions among friends and co-workers, news coverage and further consideration by the viewer of what was seen and heard. Public opinion includes the effects of such debates on all voters, not just debate watchers.