How we see our role as future first lady

Special to the Globe, 11/16/99

Ernestine Bradley

It seems to me that this is the one position in each administration that should be defined by the spouse who fills that role. Historically, that certainly seems to have been the case. Throughout the history of this country, each first lady has managed to bring her own energy, focus, and interests to the job. I expect I will do the same.

What I am finding is that the process of a presidential campaign is a wonderful learning experience. As Bill and I visit communities and neighborhoods and have a chance to understand the character and challenges of each, it is clear there will be no shortage of things to do.

Laura Bush

The first lady has a unique opportunity to define her role according to her interests. Texas is fortunate to have two beloved first ladies, Lady Bird Johnson and my mother-in-law, Barbara Bush.

Barbara Bush loves to read, so she devoted herself to literacy. And today, thanks to her family literacy work, thousands of people can order from a menu, complete an employment application, or help their children with their homework.

Lady Bird Johnson shared with us her love of nature and our country's natural beauty. She created beauty wherever she was, from the highways of Texas to the White House and beyond. First ladies call attention to important issues, and their efforts make a real difference in people's lives.

Tipper Gore

Each first lady will put her stamp on the position. Should my husband win the nomination and be elected president, I will continue to work on the issues I have for the past 25 years - mental health, homelessness, pay equity, and the status of women and children.

Cindy McCain

My role as first lady would be more of a traditional one.

Throughout my life, I have taken on many different roles including teacher, relief worker, humanitarian, wife, and, in the last decade and a half, that of being a mother.

I take my responsibilities as a mother very seriously and feel that if I can produce four good, responsible adults that I will have achieved my most important goal.

Providing a healthy ''home'' life for both my husband and my children will be my first priority, because I believe that will allow my husband to perform his job to the best of his ability.

However, I do believe that if I am lucky enough to be first lady that I can make a difference. I will focus my efforts on adoption and foster care, children's issues such as improving education and health care, and will look for ways to strengthen volunteerism - so that we may all find a way to serve a cause greater than our own self-interest!