PETA protester dumps animal manure at Bush's breakfast site

By Associated Press, 02/19/00

GREENVILLE, S.C. -- An animal rights activist wearing a pig mask dumped a truckload of dried manure today at the door of Tommy's Country Ham House, where George W. Bush had just polished off a pancakes-and-bacon breakfast.

The man, from the group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, abandoned the dump truck where it blocked the path of Bush's presidential campaign bus. A sign on the side of the truck said "Meat Stinks."

Police moved in, grabbed the man, and as they dragged him away he yelled: "Meat is murder! Pork is death!"

Bush was about 50 feet away when the dumper arrived, taping a television interview about Saturday's South Carolina Republican primary. Laughing, the Texas governor joked: "I sure am glad I had my bacon for breakfast."