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Beyond The Big Dig

Parcel 10 map

Parcel 10

Area: 60,152 square feet (1.38 acres)

Bordered by: Surface Artery, Hanover Street, Cross Street, North Street.

Master plan calls for: Open space

Zoning: Parkland Open Space Subdistrict.

Notes: With adjacent Parcel 8, master plan envisions this as both civic space and a neighborhood park. Only small structures with a footprint of 600-square-feet or less are allowed, and they can cover a maximum of 5 percent of the parcel. Article 49 of the city's zoning code says Parcels 8 and 10 "should be programmed, designed, and detailed for the primary benefit of the adjacent North End community through the development of a series of spaces which invite both residents and visitors to use the park while clearly delineating a neighborhood presence and oversight of the park."

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