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Beyond The Big Dig

Parcel 17B map

Parcel 17B

Area: 31,886 square feet (0.73 acres)

Bordered by: Atlantic Avenue, Purchase Street, High Street, Broad Street. Adjacent to Harbor Towers.

Master plan calls for: Open space, small cultural facility.

Other plans: The Artery Business Committee's plan calls for a visual and performing arts center.

Zoning: Urban Plaza Open Space Subdistrict. Open space, cultural, and restaurant uses are allowed.

Notes: The master plan calls for parcels 17A and 17B to be combined, shortening Broad Street by a block. The combined parcels are the only ones the master plan designates for a grass lawn of substantial size. It also calls for a café and a small cultural facility and notes that this is one area in which it might be possible to build something below ground. A partnership of Combined Jewish Philanthropies and Jewish Community Centers of Greater Boston has said it may put together a plan for a cultural and arts center on the site.

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