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Beyond The Big Dig

Parcel 6 map

Parcel 6

Area: 38,542 square feet (0.88 acres)

Bordered by: Surface Artery, Cross Street, Washington Street. Adjacent to the Fleet Center.

Master plan calls for: Mixed-use building of up to five stories designed to be compatible with the neighborhood.

Zoning: Recreation Open Space Subdistrict. Recreation or community uses are allowed.

Notes: This ramp parcel adjacent to the MBTA's Haymarket Station is highly prized because the design of the underground Central Artery includes foundations to support a large structure here. One organization in particular, The Boston Museum Project, has stepped forward to propose an $80 million-plus Boston History Museum for the site, which the Central Artery Corridor Master Plan calls "the northern anchor to the new North End park." The Boston Museum Project is propelled by $1.5 million in planning funds from 54 groups and prominent individuals It has a strong partner in the National Park Service, which tentatively plans to lease space in a proposed five-story, 200,000-square-foot structure (about half the size of the Museum of Science).

Article 49 of the city's zoning code refers to Parcel 6 as a "critical point of pedestrian connection and transition between the North End, Government Center, and the Bulfinch Triangle." Among other things, it calls for preserving the views to the Custom House Tower from New Haverhill Street in the Bulfinch Triangle.

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