Governor George. W. Bush's presidential campaign is spending almost $3 million a week, a rate that alarms his top fund-raisers and has forced his money people to schedule several unplanned money-raising events in the next few weeks, The New York Times reported today. The spending spree has left about $20 million in Bush's campaign treasury, according to a senior campaign strategist. The Bush campaign raised an unprecedented $68 million in 1999.
McCain ancestors were slave owners
WASHINGTON - Senator John McCain's ancestors owned as many as 52 slaves on their plantation in Mississippi, campaign officials confirmed yesterday. ''I did not know that,'' McCain said, after being shown documentation by reporters for Salon, an online magazine. The magazine gathered documents from the Carroll County, Miss., area, including slave schedules from 1860 that list ''W.A. McCain'' as the owner. ''I guess when you really think about it logically, it shouldn't be a surprise,'' McCain told the magazine. ''They had a plantation and they fought in the Civil War, so I guess it makes sense.'' (AP)
Gore could get boost from job ratings
SAN FRANCISCO - President Clinton's overall job performance ratings in California are among the highest ever, which could give Vice President Al Gore a boost in the November election, according to a poll released yesterday. ''If you have an incumbent that is very positively viewed, that has to help the sitting vice president who is running for president,'' said Mark DiCamillo, director of the Field Poll. The Field Poll said that 64 percent of Californians approved of the way Clinton was doing his job, while 75 percent of those who were surveyed lauded the president's handling of the economy. (Re uters)
Bradley campaigns in upstate New York and New York City.
Gore talks education in Raleigh, N.C.; town meeting in Macon, Ga.
Bush, McCain, and Keyes continue campaigning in S. Carolina.