Classical this fall: Visiting artists series
÷ indicates venue is wheelchair-accessible.
For complete, updated listings, see Calendar in the Globe each Thursday.
Celebrity Series
Symphony Hall, 301 Mass. Ave.; Jordan Hall, 30 Gainsborough St.; Wang Theatre, 268 Tremont St., Boston. ÷ 617-482-6661 for single tickets; 617-482-2595 for brochure, subscription information. [Get directions to Jordan Hall, Symphony Hall or the Wang Theatre].
8 p.m., Sun. 3 p.m. $25-$95 depending on location and event. Performances by visiting orchestras, chamber ensembles, recitalists, folk & jazz artists, dance companies, others. 10/15: Ben Heppner, tenor. 10/17: Maurizio Pollini, piano. 10/22: Berlin Philharmonic with Pollini, Claudio Abbado. 10/24: Juilliard String Quartet. 10/31: Emmanuel Pahud, flute.
Worcester Music
Mechanics Hall, 321 Main St., or Tuckerman Hall, 10 Tuckerman St., Worcester. 508-754-3231. [Get directions to Mechanics Hall or Tuckerman Hall].
8 p.m. $18-$35 depending on event. 10/15: Polish Chamber Philharmonic. 10/19: Trio Voronezh. 10/23: Boston Camerata. 10/29: "Jack Gibbons Plays Gershwin."