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Beyond The Big Dig

Parcel 14 map

Parcel 14

Area: 60,537 square feet (1.39 acres)

Bordered by: Atlantic Avenue, Atlantic Avenue Extension, Surface Artery, State Street. Adjacent to Marketplace Center, the Marriott Long Wharf Hotel, and Christopher Columbus Park.

Master plan calls for: Open space, plaza with water feature.

Other plans: The Artery Business Committee plan calls for a food court, restrooms.

Zoning: Recreation Open Space Subdistrict. Open space, cultural, retail and restaurant uses are allowed.

Notes: This key parcel serves as a link between Quincy Market and Christopher Columbus Park on the waterfront. The master plan calls it " 'ground zero' for the millions of people who will pass through the plaza each year, especially in the area near the Walk to the Sea, State Street and Milk Street. Zoning allows buildings on only 15 percent of the parcel, and restricts their height to 35 feet. Because the roof of the underground Central Artery is close to the surface at this point, low planters may be required to provide the soil depth needed for trees.

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