
Full name |
John Sidney McCain III |
Party |
Republican |
Age |
63, born on Aug. 29,
1936 |
Current home |
Phoenix, Ariz. |
Birthplace |
Panama Canal Zone |
Religion |
Episcopalian |
Education |
BS, U.S. Naval Academy (1958). He attended the National War College in Washington, D.C., between 1973 and 1974. |
Profession |
Politician |
Resume highlights |
U.S. senator from Arizona, U.S. House member from Arizona, served 23 years in U.S. Navy, finishing with the rank of captain. [ More ] |
Elected offices |
U.S. Senate (1987- ), U.S. House (1983-1987) |
Books authored or co-authored |
"Faith of My Fathers" |
Family |
Married Cindy Hensley in 1980. They have four children, Meghan, Jack, Jimmy and Bridget, who is adopted. McCain also has three children from a previous marriage: two adopted sons, Doug and Andy, and a daughter, Sidney Ann. |
ABOUT THE CAMPAIGN [ Agenda ] [ Strategy ]
Status |
Formally declared candidacy on Sept. 27, 1999 |
Chief campaign organization |
McCain 2000 Inc. |
National headquarters |
735 N. St. Asaph Street Alexandria, Va. 22314 |
Phone number |
(703) 837-2000 or 1-877-905-7700 (toll free) |
Fax number |
(703) 837-2001 |
Campaign e-mail |
n.a. |
National chairman |
Rick Davis, campaign manager |
Money raised in 1999 |
$15.8 million |
Money raised in latest quarter |
$6.3 million (Oct. 1-Dec. 31) |
Money spent |
$6.9 million (Oct. 1-Dec. 31) |

What would Mencken say about this figgy pudding?, By Martin F. Nolan, 12/14/2000 -OPINION
Finally, two foes can talk, By Raja Mishra, Globe Staff, 12/14/2000
Souter, Breyer pushed search for consensus, By Mary Leonard, Globe Staff, 12/14/2000
For Gore, the character test is not yet over, By David M. Shribman, Globe Staff, 12/14/2000
A key challenge: avoiding gridlock, By Sue Kirchhoff and Susan Milligan, Globe Staff, 12/14/2000
Very human beings under those robes, By Ellen Goodman, Globe Columnist, 12/14/2000 -OPINION
Florida House approves GOP elector slate, By Glen Johnson, Globe Staff, 12/13/2000
Clear the air, Globe editorial, 12/13/2000 -OPINION
Rallies outside courthouse turn order to disorder, By Ellen Gamerman, Baltimore Sun, 12/12/2000
Florida is acting just like Massachusetts, By Joan Vennochi, Globe Columnist, 12/12/2000 -OPINION
Just how 'sane' do voters need to be?, By Beth Daley, 12/10/2000
Win at all costs but lose graciously, By Ellen Goodman, Globe Columnist, 12/10/2000 -OPINION
Finally, someone challenges the Dubya standard, By E.J. Dionne Jr., 12/10/2000 -OPINION
Views on both sides of a divided court, Globe Staff, 12/10/2000
For officials, ruling ends day's chaos, By Glen Johnson, Globe Staff, 12/10/2000
After the twists, high court action leaves both sides wary, By Anne E. Kornblut, Globe Staff, 12/10/2000
A firm 'enough,' at least for one more day, By David M. Shribman, Globe Staff, 12/10/2000
With Scalia leading the way Supreme Court commits a blunder, By Thomas Oliphant, Globe Columnist, 12/10/2000 -OPINION
Let the recount begin, Globe editorial, 12/9/2000 -OPINION
Conventional wisdom is toppled again, By Thomas Oliphant, 12/9/2000 -OPINION
Congress mulls its possible role, By Sue Kirchhoff, Globe Staff, 12/9/2000
Florida recount is ordered, By Michael Kranish, Globe Staff, 12/9/2000
Officials scramble to begin recounting, By Ron Word, Associated Press, 12/9/2000
In Silicon Valley, GOP help for Gore, By Globe Staff and Wires, 12/7/2000
Bush softens rhetoric as victory appears within reach, By Anne E. Kornblut, Globe Staff, 12/6/2000
Arguments heard on hand recounts, By Chad Roedemeier, Associated Press, 12/6/2000
Don't let Congress decide the election, By L. Kinvin Wroth, 12/4/2000 -OPINION
Far from Fla., chaos lies the other Chad, By John Murphy, Baltimore Sun, 12/4/2000
Gov. Bush's cynical end-around in the Florida Legislature, By Thomas Oliphant Globe Columnist, 12/3/2000 -OPINION
Lawyers make their points, Globe Staff, 12/3/2000
Fla. setbacks hurt Gore chances, By Susan Milligan, Globe Staff, 12/2/2000
All eyes on rental truck hauling Fla. ballots, By Sue Anne Pressley, Washington Post, 12/1/2000
Who voted for 'Rutherford'?, By David Nyhan, Globe Columnist, 12/1/2000 -OPINION
'Inherent in the people', Globe editorial, 12/1/2000 -OPINION
Powell reportedly says he's willing to accept Bush post, By Glen Johnson, Globe Staff, 11/30/2000
Senators ask court to allow cameras, Globe Staff and Wires, 11/30/2000
Heads or tails?, By Stephen Jay Gould, 11/30/2000 -OPINION
Evidence suggests more black votes nullified, By Lynda Gorov, Globe Staff, 11/29/2000
The clock is running out on Gore, By Joan Vennochi, Globe Columnist, 11/28/2000 -OPINION
Democrats back Gore campaign on appeals, By Sue Kirchhoff, Globe Staff, 11/27/2000
Democrats plan legal challenge of tallies in 3 counties, By Tina Cassidy, Globe Staff, 11/27/2000
Data collected on faultiness of mechanism, By Tina Cassidy, Globe Staff, 11/26/2000
New appeal -- to people -- takes shape, By Tina Cassidy, Globe Staff, 11/26/2000
Tally group plugs away in Broward, By Lynda Gorov, Globe Staff, 11/24/2000
Months after Elian, it's high-stakes drama once again, By Richard Chacón, Globe Staff, 11/23/2000
Time-honored machinery of transition sits, By Anne E. Kornblut, Globe Staff, 11/22/2000
Some issues left undecided, By Michael Kranish and John Aloysius Farrell, Globe Staff, 11/22/2000
Manual tally is tainted, GOP says, By Anne E. Kornblut, Globe Staff, 11/19/2000
Eyes on courts as counts go on, By Michael Kranish, Globe Staff, 11/17/2000
Democrat hopes dim for control of Senate, By Susan Milligan, Globe Staff, 11/8/2000
The next president will take office with no mandate, no directions, little room for maneuvering, By Scot Lehigh, Globe Staff, 11/5/2000
On Election Day 2000, the emphasis is local, By Sean Patrick Lyons, Globe Staff, 11/5/2000
Why she's sticking with Nader, By Jennifer C. Braceras, 11/2/2000 -OPINION
Black vote seen as key in N.Y. Senate race, By Fred Kaplan, Globe Staff, 10/30/2000
Parody has become a factor, By Ellen Goodman, Globe Columnist, 10/22/2000 -OPINION
Time to count the reasons Question 4 likely to pass, By Brian C. Mooney, Globe Staff, 10/21/2000 -OPINION
Hooky excused as civics lesson, Associated Press, 10/20/2000
Once sure followers now uncertain of path, By Anne E. Kornblut, Globe Staff, 10/19/2000
Who won the final debate?, By Derrick Z. Jackson, Globe Columnist, 10/18/2000 -OPINION
Who won the final debate?, By Cathy Young, 10/18/2000 -OPINION
Buchanan sues to block pornography links from Web site, Associated Press, 10/11/2000
Rivals bending numbers review of statements shows, By Walter V. Robinson and Raja Mishra, Globe Staff, 10/4/2000
Candidates both twist facts in debate, By Laura Meckler, Associated Press, 10/3/2000
Bush links Gore to Clinton scandals in debate, Reuters, 10/3/2000
The trillion-dollar question, By Scot Lehigh, Globe Staff, 10/1/2000
Debates pit Gore's details against Bush's charm, By Nancy Benac, Associated Press, 10/1/2000
Agencies have grown quickly, By Brian C. Mooney, Globe Columnist, 9/30/2000 -OPINION
Bush strategy centers on five states, By Michael Kranish, Globe Staff, 9/27/2000
Deep-pocket donors sleep over at White House, By Steve Holland, Reuters, 9/22/2000
Bills mount along with uncertainty at UMass, By Adam Pertman, Globe Staff, 9/6/2000
Lieberman sets out to break Gore's kiss record, Reuters, 8/25/2000
Bush sees need to sharpen message, By Glen Johnson and Susan Milligan, Globe Staff, 8/23/2000
For Al Gore, so far so good, By Thomas Oliphant, Globe Columnist, 8/22/2000 -OPINION
Bush effort spent at $2 million-a-week clip, By Associated Press, 8/21/2000
Thank you, Al Gore, By Robert Kuttner, Globe Staff, 8/20/2000 -OPINION
Bush, Gore camps debate who works harder on hustings, By Anne E. Kornblut and Susan Milligan, Globe Staff, 8/20/2000
Erstwhile scorn now forgotten, By Mary Leonard, Globe Staff, 8/18/2000
Dissenters run out of apparent targets, By Lynda Gorov, Globe Staff, 8/18/2000
McCain to endorse Bush even without agreement on campaign finance, Associated Press, 4/30/2000
McCain and Bush to meet, By Jill Zuckman, Globe Staff, 4/29/2000
McCain aide calls Bush meeting 'tenuous', By Michael Kranish, Globe Staff, 4/28/2000
McCain reminisces on visit to Hanoi, By Greg Myre, Associated Press, 4/26/2000
Political courage, By Joan Vennochi, Globe Columnist, 4/25/2000 -OPINION
GOP and McCain loyalists join circle of Bush advisers, By Laurie Kellman, Associated Press, 4/22/2000
McCain apologizes for unprincipled omissions in S.C. flag flap, By Yvonne Abraham, Globe Staff, 4/20/2000
McCain set to oppose flag in S.C. today, By Yvonne Abraham, Globe Staff, 4/19/2000
Bush may discuss No. 2 spot with McCain, By Mike Glover, Associated Press, 4/18/2000
McCain sees Mrs. Clinton as Senate star, Associated Press, 4/11/2000
McCain voters in no rush to side with Gore or Bush, By Ron Fournier, Associated Press, 4/10/2000
McCain backs Giuliani, but says Clinton would be Senate 'star', By Beth J. Harpaz, Associated Press, 4/10/2000
McCain backers turn out for book-signing, By Raphael Lewis, Globe Staff, 4/8/2000
Bush should embrace the king of Straight Talk, By David Nyhan, Globe Columnist, 4/7/2000 -OPINION
McCain pitches for 'soul mate' Giuliani, By Laurie Kellman, Associated Press, 4/5/2000
Bush, McCain need each other, By David M. Shribman, Globe Staff, 4/4/2000 -OPINION
Thanks to McCain, we'll have campaign finance reform, By Martin T. Meehan, 3/22/2000 -OPINION
McCain hits Gore over fund-raising, By David Espo, Associated Press, 3/22/2000
As McCain returns to Senate, odds on campaign reform still long, By Michael Kranish, Globe Staff, 3/21/2000
Scaled-down measure keeps campaign finance reform alive, By Art Pine Los Angeles Times, 3/20/2000
McCain support of Bush may rest on delegate issue, By Tina Cassidy, Globe Staff, 3/17/2000
Simmons journalism students know why McCain did so well, By Derrick Z. Jackson, Globe Columnist, 3/15/2000 -OPINION
McCain mulling PAC with future White House bid in mind, By Ron Fournier, Associated Press, 3/15/2000
Campaign Report: FEC seeks to halt foreign campaign contributions, Globe wire services, 3/15/2000
McCain, Bradley won spotlight, Bush and Gore the nation, By Robert A. Jordan, Globe Columnist, 3/12/2000 -OPINION
Senate girds for return of GOP maverick McCain, By Mary Leonard, Globe Staff, 3/11/2000
How the primary system contorts the candidates, By Marc Landy, 3/11/2000 -OPINION
Rebellion ends unease remains, By David M. Shribman, Globe Staff, 3/10/2000 -OPINION
Military retirees moving reluctantly into Bush column, By Curtis Wilkie, Globe Correspondent, 3/10/2000
McCain halts bid, reiterates reform vow, By Yvonne Abraham, Globe Staff, 3/10/2000
In heat of campaign, Bush kept cool, By Anne E. Kornblut, Globe Staff, 3/10/2000
Campaign 2000: The thrill is gone, By Calvin Woodward, Associated Press, 3/10/2000
Bush, Gore praise former foes, By Anne E. Kornblut, Globe Staff, 3/10/2000
Text of John McCain's speech announcing campaign suspension, Federal Document Clearing House, 3/9/2000
McCain suspends campaign, By Mike Glover, Associated Press, 3/9/2000
McCain to halt campaign, steps toward Bush uncertain, By Yvonne Abraham and Anne E. Kornblut, Globe Staff, 3/9/2000
Lost causes, Globe editorial, 3/9/2000 -OPINION
For McCain, the road became steeper after N.H. win, By Yvonne Abraham, Globe Staff, 3/8/2000
The rebels got a good hearing, By David M. Shribman, Globe Staff, 3/8/2000
Bush surges toward GOP's prize, By Michael Kranish and Anne E. Kornblut, Globe Staff, 3/8/2000
McCain can't corral all of N.E., By Michael Crowley and Tina Cassidy, Globe Staff, 3/8/2000
McCain broke rules forced new look at campaigns, By Mike Glover, Associated Press, 3/8/2000
Mass. McCainiacs, By David Nyhan, Globe Staff, 3/8/2000 -OPINION
Exit polls: Gore favored by nation, McCain in Bay State, By Mary Leonard, Globe Staff, 3/8/2000
Both Republicans were losers, By Thomas Oliphant, Globe Staff, 3/8/2000 -OPINION
Gore, Bush hold the upper hand in Super Tuesday showdown, By Jill Zuckman and Michael Kranish, Globe Staff, 3/7/2000
Reformers jilted by McCain, By Thomas Oliphant, Globe Columnist, 3/7/2000 -OPINION
Pros, cons to a third-party scenario for McCain, By Walter V. Robinson, Globe Staff, 3/7/2000
Of McCain's allure to liberals, US Rep. Frank says, 'It's nuts', By Michael Crowley, Globe Staff, 3/7/2000
McCain stopping for reflection after bad night, By Mike Glover, Associated Press, 3/7/2000
Gore, McCain easy winners in Massachusetts, By Jean McMilliam, Associated Press, 3/7/2000
Campaign Report: Advocates criticize woman in Bush ad, By Globe Staff and Wires, 3/7/2000
McCain draws tough body blows, By Yvonne Abraham, Globe Staff, 3/6/2000
Our choices for president, Globe editorial, 3/6/2000 -OPINION
New England might be McCain's only 'Super' turf, By Tony Munroe, Reuters, 3/6/2000
Fault line of religion splits Republican Party, By John Aloysius Farrell, Globe Staff, 3/6/2000
California vote highlights McCain's GOP problem, By Jill Zuckman, Globe Staff, 3/6/2000
Bush, Gore push for true 'Super Tuesday', By David Espo, Associated Press, 3/6/2000
Those who lean toward John McCain, look at the other man behind the name, By Robert A. Jordan, Globe Columnist, 3/5/2000 -OPINION
Ex-Marine CEO helps McCain, By Charles A. Radin, Globe Staff, 3/5/2000
Establishment hopefuls get Super Tuesday edge, By Michael Kranish, Globe Staff, 3/5/2000
Candidates focus on Boston, N.Y., By Tina Cassidy and Michael Crowley, Globe Staff, 3/5/2000
Bush's low blows against McCain, By Thomas Oliphant, Globe Columnist, 3/5/2000 -OPINION
Apart from personal use, the issue of drugs has stayed in the shadows, By John Donnelly, Globe Staff, 3/5/2000
McCain: Probe the Big Dig, By John Aloysius Farrell, Globe Staff, 3/4/2000
McCain character loyal to a fault, By Mary Leonard, Globe Staff, 3/4/2000
Mass. GOP at odds over delegate selection, By Tina Cassidy, Globe Staff, 3/4/2000
Mass. Democrats severing party ties for McCain, By Tina Cassidy, Globe Staff, 3/4/2000
Bush defends ads, McCain cries foul, By John Aloysius Farrell and Anne E. Kornblut, Globe Staff, 3/4/2000
Straight talk about McCain, By Derrick Z. Jackson, Globe Columnist, 3/3/2000 -OPINION
McCain goes way out for N.Y., By Fred Kaplan, Globe Staff, 3/3/2000
McCain pitch resonating in Bay State, By Joanna Weiss, Globe Staff, 3/3/2000
Campaign Report: McCain backers drum up support, By Globe Staff and Wires, 3/3/2000
Edge is off in last GOP debate before Super Tuesday, By Anne E. Kornblut and Jill Zuckman, Globe Staff, 3/3/2000
Bush, McCain wade into brutal New York battle, By Mike Glover, Associated Press, 3/3/2000
Bush and McCain: A friendship sours, By Jill Zuckman, Globe Staff, 3/3/2000
A California winner can lose state, By David M. Shribman, Globe Columnist, 3/3/2000
Truth Squad: Some candidates positions get tested during debate, By John Solomon, Associated Press, 3/2/2000
McCain targeted in New York, By Anne E. Kornblut, Globe Staff, 3/2/2000
McCain may focus effort on Northeast, By Michael Kranish, Globe Staff, 3/2/2000
Excerpts of Republican debate in Los Angeles, Associated Press, 3/2/2000
Bush bombs on Letterman; McCain fares better on Leno, Vt Lynn Elber, Associated Press, 3/2/2000
Bauer says McCain must apologize, By Jill Zuckman, Globe Staff, 3/2/2000
McCain, trailing in GOP polls, keeps California options open, By Mike Glover, Associated Press, 3/1/2000
McCain's history-making speech, By David Nyhan, Globe Columnist, 3/1/2000 -OPINION
McCain and Bush take to the late-night airwaves, By Don Aucoin, Globe Staff, 3/1/2000
McCain changes plans, agrees to debate Bush by satellite, By Yvonne Abraham, Globe Staff, 3/1/2000
Campaigns turn to religion as weapon, By Michael Paulson, Globe Staff, 3/1/2000
Bush gets three-state boost over McCain, By Michael Kranish and Jill Zuckman, Globe Staff, 3/1/2000
As luck would have it, McCain has advantage, By Alex Beam, Globe Columnist, 3/1/2000 -OPINION
Virginia GOP voters tell McCain he's not conservative enough, By Jean McNair, Associated Press, 2/29/2000
Pluck, leaks helped McCain to overcome S&L scandal, By Walter V. Robinson, Globe Staff, 2/29/2000
McCain raps key Christian conservatives, By Yvonne Abraham and Jill Zuckman, Globe Staff, 2/29/2000
For McCain, a home run and an error, By Thomas Oliphant, Globe Columnist, 2/29/2000 -OPINION
A tale of two war veterans, By James Carroll, 2/29/2000 -OPINION
McCain's staff has reason to celebrate, By Yvonne Abraham, Globe Staff, 2/28/2000
Why McCain?, By David Warsh, Globe Columnist, 2/27/2000 -OPINION
Why are Democrats falling for McCain?, By Ellen Goodman, Globe Columnist, 2/27/2000 -OPINION
The most Un-Clinton candidate surges, By Scot Lehigh, Globe Staff, 2/27/2000
New England: Big prize gets little attention, By Michael Crowley and Michael Kranish, 2/27/2000
McCain takes battle to Ohio, By Yvonne Abraham and Bob Hohler, Globe Staff, 2/27/2000
Governors meet amid GOP concern over Bush, By John Aloysius Farrell, Globe Staff, 2/27/2000
Election questions, answers, and brave predictions, By David Nyhan, Globe Columnist, 2/27/2000 -OPINION
Can Bush and Gore weather the current political storms?, By Robert A. Jordan, Globe Columnist, 2/27/2000 -OPINION
McCain leads in delegates, Associated Press, 2/26/2000
Handing out advice: GOP governors rally around Bush, By Laura Meckler, Associated Press, 2/26/2000
McCain gets endorsement of Teddy Roosevelt kin, Associated Press, 2/26/2000
Bush seeks to recover as polls show McCain gaining ground in Virginia, By John Aloysius Farrell, Globe Staff, 2/26/2000
Bush maintains large leads over McCain nationally, in California, By William C. Mann, Associated Press, 2/26/2000
Bradley lashes out at Gore and McCain on environment, By Bob Hohler and Susan Milligan, Globe Staff, 2/26/2000
At last, GOP battle heads for vote-rich national stage, By Ron Fournier, Associated Press, 2/26/2000
Messages stir the electorate, By John Aloysius Farrell, Globe Staff, 2/25/2000
McCain touts his conservatism in California, By Charles A. Radin, Globe Staff, 2/25/2000
McCain overwhelms Bush in Mass. poll, By Tina Cassidy, Globe Staff, 2/25/2000
In Washington state, Bradley finds the spotlight on McCain, By Bob Hohler, Globe Staff, 2/25/2000
Another Celtic charmer, By David Nyhan, Globe Columnist, 2/25/2000 -OPINION
The campaign trail's bumps: Entourages face grind on the road, By Anne E. Kornblut, Globe Staff, 2/24/2000
Sharpening the GOP debate, Globe editorial, 2/24/2000
McCain hones message to GOP, By Charles A. Radin, Globe Staff, 2/24/2000
Opportunities for McCain seen in upcoming contest, By Michael Kranish, Globe Staff, 2/24/2000
McCain understands the stakes ahead -- Bush clearly doesn't, By Thomas Oliphant, Globe Columnist, 2/24/2000 -OPINION
McCain aides admit to South Carolina calls, By Charles A. Radin, Globe Staff, 2/24/2000
McCain to Bush Republicans: 'Get with it', By Laurie Kellman, Associated Press, 2/23/2000
In UMass poll, McCain and Gore hold big leads, By Frank Phillips, Globe Staff, 2/23/2000
In GOP race, a new politics takes shape, By David M. Shribman, Globe Staff, 2/23/2000
For McCain, euphoria over a high-wire act, By Mary Leonard, Globe Staff, 2/23/2000
Campaigns use technology to 'go negative', By Laura Meckler, Associated Press, 2/23/2000
Bush may find fund raising a little harder, By Jonathan D. Salant, Associated Press, 2/23/2000
A rejuvenated McCain tops Bush in Michigan, Arizona, By Michael Kranish and Jill Zuckman, Globe Staff, 2/23/2000
Struggle for GOP presidential nod a tale of two constituencies, By David Espo, Associated Press, 2/22/2000
McCain's Michigan gambit: Woo conservatives, but don't dismay moderates, By Thomas Oliphant, Globe Columnist, 2/22/2000 -OPINION
McCain hoping to draw Catholic vote in Michigan, By Jill Zuckman, Globe Staff, 2/22/2000
Governor lobs effort to hurt McCain, Governor lobs effort to hurt McCain, 2/22/2000
GOP candidates looking to Michigan's Democrats, By Michael Kranish and Anne E. Kornblut, Globe Staff, 2/22/2000
Exit polls: Conservatives rally to Bush, but Engler's impact limited, By Will Lester, Associated Press, 2/22/2000
Bush relied on outside help, while McCain pitched to Catholics, By Jonathan D. Salant, Associated Press, 2/22/2000
Bush got no lift from his governor-in-arms, By Glen Johnaon, Associated Press, 2/22/2000
McCain outraised Bush in January, By Jonathan D. Salant, Associated Press, 2/21/2000
Gore-Bradley Harlem debate shows black electoral might, By Fred Kaplan, Globe Staff, 2/21/2000
Defiant McCain, confident Bush woo Michigan, By Jill Zuckman and Anne E. Kornblut, Globe Staff, 2/21/2000
Bush, McCain trade charges on ads, reform claims, By Glen Johnson, Associated Press, 2/21/2000
What's love got to do with it?, By Mark Jurkowitz, Globe Staff, 2/20/2000
South Carolina gives Bush major GOP primary win, By Michael Kranish, Globe Staff, and Curtis Wilkie, Globe Correspondent, 2/20/2000
Resolute McCain promises a fight, By Mary Leonard, Globe Staff, 2/20/2000
In Michigan, the contest goes big time, By Jill Zuckman, Globe Staff, 2/20/2000
Baton passed to big states, By David M. Shribman, Globe Staff, 2/20/2000
McCain appeal defies liberal thinking, By Eileen McNamara, Globe Columnist, 2/20/2000 -OPINION
Text of McCain speech after South Carolina primary, Reuters, 2/19/2000
South Carolina restores front-runner credentials to Bush, By David Espo, Associated Press, 2/19/2000
Closed polls cause confusion for voters, outrage for McCain, By Leigh Strope, Associated Press, 2/19/2000
Bush widens lead on eve of South Carolina vote, Reuters, 2/19/2000
Bush McCain both claim victor's role in S.C. today, By Michael Kranish, Globe Staff, 2/19/2000
S.C. primary that helped elect Reagan has come full circle, By Leigh Strope, Associated Press, 2/18/2000
McCain strives to stretch the definition of Republican in S.C., By Curtis Wilkie, Globe Correspondent, 2/18/2000
McCain's 'Straight Talk Express' may be curbed as pace picks up, By Curtis Wilkie, Globe Correspondent, 2/18/2000
McCain effort drawing few blacks, By Yvonne Abraham, Globe Staff, 2/18/2000
McCain defends term for his captors, By Jill Zuckman, Globe Staff, 2/18/2000
McCain and Bush duke it out over campaign tactics, By Jill Zuckman and Anne E. Kornblut, Globe Staff, 2/18/2000
Many seen switched to become unenrolled, By Hillary Chabot, Globe Correspondent, 2/18/2000
Heavy absentee balloting hints at record turnout in South Carolina, Associated Press, 2/18/2000
South Carolina ready to vote; Bush, McCain rally support, By Ron Fournier, Associated Press, 2/18/2000
Bush has narrow lead in South Carolina, Reuters, 2/18/2000
South Carolina besieged by Bush-McCain ad war, By Michael Kranish, Globe Staff, 2/17/2000
McCain wins Bauer endorsement; Bush refilling warchest, By Mike Glover, Associated Press, 2/17/2000
Bush's missing message, Globe editorial, 2/17/2000
Bush puts on a McCain mask, By Thomas Oliphant, Globe Columnist, 2/17/2000 -OPINION
Bush, McCain in virtual tie in South Carolina, Reuters, 2/17/2000
Yes, I'm voting for McCain, By David Nyhan, Globe Columnist, 2/16/2000 -OPINION
Key issues are little examined, By Michael Kranish, Globe Staff, 2/16/2000
Campaign Report: Bush's spending alarms fund-raisers, By Globe Staff and Wires, 2/16/2000
Bush proposes campaign finance overhaul, By Anne E. Kornblut, Globe Staff, 2/16/2000
Bush, McCain spar over tactics, By Anne E. Kornblut, Globe Staff, and Curtis Wilkie, Globe Correspondent, 2/16/2000
Bush leads McCain by a hair in South Carolina, Reuters, 2/16/2000
Truth Squad: A misreading of campaign finance laws, Associated Press, 2/15/2000
Reform Party leaders push for stability, but who'll be nominee?, By Laurie Kellman, Associated Press, 2/15/2000
Poll: McCain seen as more resistant to special interests, By Will Lester, Associated Press, 2/15/2000
Heat rises as GOP head to debate tonight, By Anne E. Kornblut, Globe Staff, and Curtis Wilkie, Globe Correspondent, 2/15/2000
Excerpts from South Carolina GOP debate, Associated Press, 2/15/2000
Bush, McCain put campaign balancing acts to the test, By Ron Fournier, Associated Press, 2/15/2000
Veterans appear to have bond with former POW McCain, By Mary Leonard, Globe Staff, 2/14/2000
Campaign Report: McCain book-signing runs long, brings out hundreds, Globe Staff and Wires, 2/14/2000
Bush campaign gets nasty, By Thomas Oliphant, Globe Columnist, 2/14/2000 -OPINION
Why McCain changed on use of fetal tissue, By Mary Leonard, Globe Staff, 2/13/2000
Surging McCain may yet suffer the media's slings and arrows, By Robert A. Jordan, Globe Columnist, 2/13/2000 -OPINION
George W. missed Atwater's last master lesson, By David Nyhan, Globe Columnist, 2/13/2000 -OPINION
'Push polling' throws McCain off track, By Yvonne Abraham and Anne E. Kornblut, Globe Staff, 2/13/2000
Campaign report: 'The money goes to payroll, ads, fund-raising, By Globe Staff and Wires, 2/12/2000
McCain pulls negative ads, Bush declines to join him, By Anne E. Kornblut, Globe Staff, 2/12/2000
McCain aims for repeat of Reagan's upset in S.C., By Michael Kranish, Globe Staff, 2/12/2000
A more complex TR for the GOP, By David M. Shribman, Globe Columnist, 2/12/2000 -OPINION
S.C. religious right divided as Bush and McCain battle, By Michael Kranish, Globe Staff, 2/11/2000
Battle escalates for veteran vote, By Curtis Wilkie, Globe Correspondent, 2/11/2000
Ventura aide may bolt from the Reform Party, Globe staff and wires, 2/10/2000
The beating of Bush, By David Nyhan, Globe Columnist, 2/9/2000 -OPINION
McCain pull igniting voter switches, By Tina Cassidy, Globe Staff, 2/9/2000
Gore cites links with McCain on health, By Ann Scales, Globe Staff, 2/9/2000
Crime and drugs the topic in South Carolina, By Yvonne Abraham, Globe Staff, 2/9/2000
Bush gains victory in Delaware, a state McCain skipped; Forbes finishes 3d, By Michael Crowley and Anne E. Kornblut, Globe Staff, 2/9/2000
Bush and McCain trade charges over negative ads, By Anne E. Kornblut and Yvonne Abraham, Globe Staff, 2/9/2000
Antiabortion organization weighs in early for Bush, By Mary Leonard, Globe Staff, 2/9/2000
For politicians tax-cut pandering has lost its magic, By Joan Vennochi, Globe Columnist, 2/8/2000 -OPINION
Early forecasts of a Bush romp in Michigan fade, By Jill Zuckman, Globe Staff, 2/8/2000
Bush goes on the attack, By Thomas Oliphant, Globe Columnist, 2/8/2000 -OPINION
Bush and McCain question each other's trustworthiness, By Glen Johnson, Associated Press, 2/8/2000
McCain slashes Bush's lead in California survey, By Scott Lindlaw, Associated Press, 2/7/2000
Campaign Report: McCain defends contributions, By Globe Staff and Wires, 2/7/2000
Bush at home to regroup, look ahead, By Anne E. Kornblut, Globe Staff, 2/7/2000
Bush, McCain spar over accusations of unfair polling, By Laurie Kellman, Associated Press, 2/7/2000
'Liberal' tag for McCain at odds with his record, By Anne E. Kornblut, Globe Staff, 2/7/2000
What is a New Hampshire victory really worth?, By Scot Lehigh, Globe Staff, 2/6/2000
New ballgame for McCain, By Thomas Oliphant, Globe Columnist, 2/6/2000 -OPINION
'Petty negative ads' by Bush draw strong criticism, By Yvonne Abraham, Globe Staff, 2/6/2000
Candidates ride high, and hit some bumps, on the trail, By Yvonne Abraham, Globe Staff, 2/5/2000
Bush assails McCain, but both use perk, By John Aloysius Farrell, Globe Staff, 2/5/2000
A first for Bush: TV ads take aim at McCain, By Jill Zuckman and Anne E. Kornblut, Globe Staff, 2/5/2000
Will the money spoil his message?, By Joan Vennochi, Globe Columnist, 2/4/2000 -OPINION
GOP insiders take one on chin, By David M. Shribman, Globe Columnist, 2/4/2000 -OPINION
Fund-raising champion Bush lags online, By Jonathan D. Salant, Associated Press, 2/4/2000
Can GOP raze McCain?, By David Nyhan, Globe Columnist, 2/4/2000 -OPINION
Bush urges N.Y. to put McCain on all ballots, By Fred Kaplan, Globe Staff, 2/4/2000
Bush battles as McCain surges in S.C., By Anne E. Kornblut and Walter V. Robinson, Globe Staff, 2/4/2000
Touting conservative themes, Bush shifts tone in S.C., By Anne E. Kornblut and Yvonne Abraham, Globe Staff, 2/3/2000
Campaign Report: Quayle endorses George W. Bush, By Globe Staff and Wires, 2/3/2000
Publicly, Capitol Hill takes N.H. finish in stride, By Mary Leonard, Globe Staff, 2/3/2000
McCain surpassed Bush in all but a few N.H. towns, By Jill Zuckman, Globe Staff, 2/3/2000
For victors in the race, platforms weren't rigid, By Michael Kranish, Globe Staff, 2/3/2000
Candidates leave, and N.H. gets back to normal, By Tina Cassidy, Globe Staff, 2/3/2000
By midnight, many candidates were already gone, By Laurie Kellman, Associated Press, 2/3/2000
Bush holds uneasy S.C. advantage, By Walter V. Robinson, Globe Staff, 2/3/2000
True to tradition, New Hampshire tests front-runners, By David Espo, Associated Press, 2/2/2000
The night belongs to McCain, By David Nyhan, Globe Columnist, 2/2/2000 -OPINION
On campaign trail, it's a frantic pace, By Wim Roefs, Special to the Globe, 2/2/2000
McCain trying to turn primary win into cash, By Jonathan D. Salant, Associated Press, 2/2/2000
McCain's New Hampshire victory revives concern over early network calls, By David Bauder, Associated Press, 2/2/2000
Independents turn GOP contest, By Michael Kranish and Anne E. Kornblut, Globe Staff, 2/2/2000
Independents seen taking up the insurgents' fight, By Tina Cassidy, Globe Staff, 2/2/2000
Independent voters say character was key to decision, By Gene Johnson, Associated Press, 2/2/2000
First primary settled, campaigns mull new tactics, By Curtis Wilkie, Globe Correspondent, 2/2/2000
Contrarians speak up, leaders get wake up call, By David M. Shribman, Globe Staff, 2/2/2000
Arizona senator has found strength in his weaknesses, By Yvonne Abraham, Globe Staff, 2/2/2000
And now: the primary deluge of a 'national campaign', By Ron Fournier, Associated Press, 2/2/2000
After Iowa, N.H. candidates set sights on California, By Scott Lindlaw, Associated Press, 2/2/2000
A new wave to ride, By Joan Vennochi, Globe Columnist, 2/2/2000 -OPINION
Senator wonders: 'What about Bob', By Globe Staff and Wires, 2/1/2000
Pictures, stunts, handshakes mark frenetic final hours, By Yvonne Abraham and Michael Crowley, Globe Staff, 2/1/2000
N.H. towns cast first votes in first primary, By Michelle Emery, Associated Press, 2/1/2000
Makes you want to cry, By Joan Vennochi, Globe Columnist, 2/1/2000 -OPINION
Day of decision in New Hampshire, By Jill Zuckman and Michael Kranish, 2/1/2000
Crowded field kept stirring the pot, By Anne E. Kornblut, Globe Staff, 2/1/2000
Attacks backfire, By Thomas Oliphant, Globe Columnist, 2/1/2000 -OPINION
Gore, McCain hold solid leads in last-minute N.H. poll, By Alan Elsner, Reuters, 1/31/2000
Forbes camp eyes unexpected alliance, By Curtis Wilkie, Globe Correspondent, 1/31/2000
Crowds grow as McCain, Bush enter final stretch, By Anne E. Kornblut and Yvonne Abraham, Globe Staff, 1/31/2000
McCain says Bush ignores loophole issue, By Curtis Wilkie, Globe Correspondent, 1/30/2000
McCain's crusade should incite fervor and favor, By David Nyahn, Globe Columnist, 1/30/2000 -OPINION
Democrats debate abortion; Bush senior campaigns, By Michael Kranish and Jill Zuckman, Globe Staff, 1/30/2000
Assessing the possible sway of independent voters, By Michael Kranish, Globe Staff, 1/30/2000
Political briefs: McCain's effort backed to be on New York ballots, By Globe Staff and Wires, 1/29/2000
McCain's camp is on its best behavior as N.H. vote looms, By Yvonne Abraham, Globe Staff, 1/29/2000
McCain seizes opportunity to discuss Indian affairs, By Curtis Wilkie, Globe Correspondent, 1/28/2000
McCain resolve is paying off, By David M. Shribman, Globe Columnist, 1/28/2000 -OPINION
McCain holding on to thin lead in must-win race, By Ron Fournier Associated Press, 1/28/2000
Politica; Notes: Judge blocks McCain in eight N.Y. districts, By Globe Staff and Wires, 1/28/2000
It's McCain, the choice of expedience, By Ann Scales, Globe Staff, 1/28/2000
Gore and McCain carry the day, By David Nyhan, Globe Columnist, 1/28/2000 -OPINION
Bush says Clinton State of Union speech shows need for big tax cut, By Walter R. Mears, Associated Press, 1/28/2000
Truth Squad: Having it two ways in GOP debate, By Calvin Woodward, Associated Press, 1/27/2000
John McCain: How straight a shooter?, By Jeff Jacoby, Globe Columnist, 1/27/2000 -OPINION
Excerpts of the N.H. Republican debate, Associated Press, 1/27/2000
Bush, McCain spar on taxes, education, abortion, By Michael Kranish, Globe Staff, and Curtis Wilkie, Globe Correspondent, 1/27/2000
Abortion call family matter, says senator, By Tina Cassidy, Globe Staff, 1/27/2000
The final week: Candidates step up effort in N.H., By Jill Zuckman and Michael Kranish, Globe Staff, 1/26/2000
McCains worry about pulling daughter into abortion debate, By Laurie Kellman, Associated Press, 1/26/2000
It's up to New Hampshire to send a message, By David Nyhan, Globe Columnist, 1/26/2000 -OPINION
GOP candidates detail views of government-funded 'Net access, Associated Press, 1/26/2000
Tight-three way race in New Hampshire envisioned, By Michael Crowley, Globe Staff, 1/25/2000
The votes tell the contentment, By David M. Shribman, Globe Staff, 1/25/2000
Republicans look for spirited contest in N.H., By Laurie Kellman, Associated Press, 1/25/2000
On the road in N.H., McCain dismisses Iowa, By Tina Cassidy, Globe Staff, 1/25/2000
Candidates have one goal remaining: closing the deal, By Jill Zuckman, Globe Staff, 1/25/2000
Candidates charge onto N.H. airwaves, By Laura Meckler, Associated Press, 1/25/2000
Bush hopes for caucus victory to set up showdown with McCain, By Glen Johnson, Associated Press, 1/25/2000
Bush, Gore wrap up Iowa, By Michael Kranish, Globe Staff, and Curtis Wilkie, Globe Correspondent, 1/25/2000
Ad accuses McCain of working to cover up live POW data, By Joe Magruder, Associated Press, 1/25/2000
Abortion issue dogs McCain in New Hampshire, By Leslie Gevirtz, Reuters, 1/25/2000
Bush, Gore expected to win showdown in heartland today, By Michael Kranish, Globe Staff, and Curtis Wilkie, Globe Correspondent, 1/24/2000
Senator adjusts as days of small crowd campaigning dwindle, By Yvonne Abraham, Globe Staff, 1/24/2000
McCain says one presidential run is enough, By Laurie Kellman, Associated Press, 1/24/2000
Political briefs: Gore drops in, By Globe Staff and Wire Reports, 1/24/2000
Too wooden? Too slick? A focus group tunes into some gut reactions, By Charles A. Radin, Globe Staff, 1/23/2000
State of circumspection, By Michael Kranish, Globe Staff, 1/23/2000
Bush's attacks on McCain taking their toll -- on Bush, By Thomas Oliphant, Globe Columnist, 1/23/2000 -OPINION
'A refining experience', By John Aloysius Farrell, Globe Staff, 1/23/2000
Poll has N.H. GOP, Democratic fields in dead heat, Associated Press, 1/22/2000
New campaign ads charge, countercharge, By Charles A. Radin, Globe Staff, 1/22/2000
McCain finds following in S.C., By Yvonne Abraham, Globe Staff, 1/22/2000
McCain criticizes unlimited access to the Internet, By Mark Pratt, Associated Press, 1/22/2000
GOP challenger stumbles over bumps in campaign trail, By Laurie Kellman, Associated Press, 1/22/2000
Bush raps McCain's plan to alter tax deductions for charitable giving, By Jill Zuckman, Globe Staff, 1/22/2000
Taxes at heart of a win in N.H., By David M. Shribman, Globe Staff, 1/21/2000
McCain faults N Y GOP over primary ballot rules, By Fred Kaplan, Globe Staff, 1/21/2000
Hiding behind the flag, By Joan Vennochi, Globe Columnist, 1/21/2000 -OPINION
Campaign Notebook: Few laughs at Bush quip in N.H. Iowa, By Jill Zuckman, Globe Staff, 1/21/2000
At GOP's conservative core, fears of a centrist shift, By Mary Leonard, Globe Staff, 1/21/2000
On campaign trail, candidates strive to be laughs of the party, By Mary Leonard, Globe Staff, 1/20/2000
McCain, Bradley give voters contrast, By Tina Cassidy, Globe Staff, 1/20/2000
Bush and his troops attack McCain's tax plan on many fronts, By Jill Zuckman, Globe Staff, 1/20/2000
Issue of Internet tax revived, By Yvonne Abraham, Globe Staff, 1/19/2000
Bush comes to bury McCain, makes certain to praise him, By Anne E. Kornblut and Jill Zuckman, Globe Staff, 1/19/2000
A banner issue for GOP contenders, By Derrick Z. Jackson, Globe Columnist, 1/19/2000 -OPINION
McCain: tested by torture, sustained by active mind, By Laurie Kellman, Associated Press, 1/18/2000
McCain signs no-tax-on-Internet pledge, By Glen Johnson, Associated Press, 1/18/2000
McCain, fund-reform advocate, launches 3-day fund-raiser, By Tina Cassidy, Globe Staff, 1/18/2000
Campaign Notebook: Bradley, McCain climb in poll, By Jill Zuckman, Globe Staff, 1/18/2000
McCain appealing to a younger crowd, By Tina Cassidy, Globe Staff, 1/17/2000
Can McCain pull off a political three-fer?, By Thomas Oliphant, Globe Columnist, 1/17/2000 -OPINION
Bradley, McCain gain in N.H. poll, By Katherine Webster, Associated Press, 1/17/2000
Newsweek poll shows Gore leading Bradley in N.H., By Associated Press, 1/16/2000
GOP candidates asked positions on posting Ten Commandments in public schools, Associated Press, 1/16/2000
For the Republicans: McCain, Boston Globe editorial, 1/16/2000 -OPINION
Early wins may mean little for Bradley and McCain, By Robert A. Jordan, Globe Columnist, 1/16/2000 -OPINION
Bush shifts, disavowing S.C. senator's racial remark, By Anne E. Kornblut and Yvonne Abraham, Globe Staff, 1/16/2000
Truth Squad: Missing the mark on what a president can, and can't, do, By Calvin Woodward, Associated Press, 1/15/2000
GOP heads for Iowa showdown, By Curtis Wilkie, Globe Correspondent, 1/15/2000
Bush, McCain and Forbes trade charges over competing tax-cut plans, By Glen Johnson, Associated Press, 1/15/2000
Excerpts from Saturday's GOP debate in Johnston, Iowa, Associated Press, 1/15/2000
Down in Iowa, Bradley looks east; Bush says 37 is figure to beat, By Mike Glover, Associated Press, 1/15/2000
Candidates sharpen appeal to core constituencies -- a risky necessity, By Will Lester, Associated Press, 1/15/2000
McCain jabs Bush camp in dispute over place on N.Y. ballot, By Yvonne Abraham, Globe Staff, 1/14/2000
Issues survey pins some candidates down, By Calvin Woodward, Associated Press, 1/14/2000
Candidates already looking beyond Granite State, By Michael Kranish and Michael Crowley, 1/14/2000
Poll finds Bradley, McCain ahead in New Hampshire, Associated Press, 1/13/2000
Poll finds Bradley, McCain ahead in New Hampshire, Associated Press, 1/13/2000
Political Briefs: Bush takes slim lead in N.H. poll, Associated Press, 1/13/2000
Campaign Notebook: Bradley says move on firm 'no big deal', By Michael Crowley and Tima Cassidy, Globe Staff, 1/13/2000
After ad flap, student volunteer opts out of Bush campaign, By Tina Cassidy, Globe Staff, 1/13/2000
McCain, taking shots from rivals, stays spirited and defiant, By David Nyhan, Globe Staff, 1/12/2000 -OPINION
McCain strategy untried but true, By Eileen McNamara, Globe Columnist, 1/12/2000 -OPINION
McCain advises against military career, By Yvonne Abraham, Globe Staff, 1/12/2000
Mass. student says she was recruited by Bush campaign for negative ad, Associated Press, 1/12/2000
Gore builds on national lead, Bush takes an edge in N.H., polls show, By Will Lester, Associated Press, 1/12/2000
GOP candidates feeding increased appetite for tax cuts, By Ron Fournier, Associated Press, 1/12/2000
Bush touts tax plan as superior to McCain's, By Anne E. Kornblut, Globe Staff, 1/12/2000
Bush responds to rivals with new ad, By Ron Fournier, Associated Press, 1/12/2000
Bush rejects Channel 5 offer to debate McCain during newscasts, Associated Press, 1/12/2000
Bush, McCain struggle to avoid problems over Confederate flag, By Glen Johnson, Associated Press, 1/12/2000
Republicans shift focus to foreign policy free trade, By Anne Kornblut and Tina Cassidy, Globe Staff, 1/11/2000
McCain tax plan proposes family savings accounts, loophole closure, By Curt Anderson, Associated Press, 1/11/2000
Candidates ruminate on a time capsule, Associated Press, 1/11/2000
New rules prevail in 2000 race, By Michael Kranish and Michael Crowley, Globe Staff, 1/10/2000
N.H. party establishment cheers its man -- Bush, By Yvonne Abraham, Globe Staff, 1/10/2000
McCain will propose sweetened tax plan, By Jill Zuckman, Globe Staff, 1/10/2000
McCain tax plan proposes family savings accounts, loophole closure, By Curt Anderson, Associated Press, 1/10/2000
McCain OK's review of his letters, Associated Press, 1/10/2000
McCain accepts Channel 5 offer to debate Bush, Associated Press, 1/10/2000
Excerpts from Michigan GOP debate, Associated Press, 1/10/2000
Voters look closely at the insurgents, By Laura A. Kiernan, Globe Correspondent, 1/9/2000 -OPINION
Survey finds both races to be tight in N.H., By Walter V. Robinson, Globe Staff, 1/9/2000
Poll: Gore, Bush lead in Iowa, Associated Press, 1/9/2000
McCain's brand of toughness rarer than Teflon, By David Nyhan, Globe Columnist, 1/9/2000 -OPINION
McCain interceded for donors, data show, By Anne E. Kornblut and Walter V. Robinson, Globe Staff, 1/9/2000
McCain cannonballs past a minor snag, By Brian C. Mooney, Globe Staff, 1/8/2000 -OPINION
Debates open candidates to scrutiny, Associated Press, 1/8/2000
Bush attacks McCain in S.C. debate, By Michael Kranish, Globe Staff, 1/8/2000
A glimpse of the electorate, By Ted Anthony, Associated Press, 1/8/2000
Truth Squad: Confusion over surplus and taxes in GOP debate, Associated Press, 1/7/2000
Senator's niche image takes a hit, By Walter V. Robinson, Globe Staff, 1/7/2000
In N.H. living room, few minds made up, By Yvonne Abraham, Globe Staff, 1/7/2000
GOP candidates tell biggest mistakes, Associated Press, 1/7/2000
Excerpts from S.C. GOP debate, Associated Press, 1/7/2000
Excerpts cast religion, taxes in spotlight, By Federal Document Clearing House, 1/7/2000
Contenders romp in a colloquial exchange, By Michael Crowley, Globe Staff, 1/7/2000
Bush, McCain dominate GOP debate, By Jill Zuckman and Michael Kranish, Globe Staff, 1/7/2000
Money and McCain, Globe editorial, 1/6/2000 -OPINION
McCain talks of higher plane, By John Aloysius Farrell, Globe Staff, 1/6/2000
Book ties hopefuls, long term donors, By Elizabeth Hurt, States News Service, 1/6/2000
Rivals over spending caps, Bush camp says, By Jill Zuckman, Globe Staff, 1/5/2000
Redefining right in the GOP race, By Martin Nolan, 1/5/2000 -OPINION
McCain to draw attention to Internet tax issue, Associated Press, 1/5/2000
McCain says FCC letter for contributor not improper, By Laurie Kellman, Associated Press, 1/5/2000
McCain pressed FCC in case involving major contributor, By Walter V. Robinson, Globe Staff, 1/5/2000
In N.H., McCain feels new scrutiny, By Yvonne Abraham, Globe Staff, 1/5/2000
Contrasts speak volumes in race for White House, By Brian C. Mooney, Globe Staff, 1/5/2000 -OPINION
Book details biggest donors to presidential candidates, Associated Press, 1/5/2000
Political battle of airwaves is turning gentle, By Charles A. Radin, Globe Staff, 1/4/2000
Opponents say McCain skirting rules on TV ad buys in N.H., Associated Press, 1/4/2000
McCain would threaten to withhold Russian money over Chechnya, By Laurie Kellman, Associated Press, 1/4/2000
Dole endorses Bush; McCain keeps up pressure in N.H., By Glen Johnson, Associated Press, 1/4/2000
Bush and McCain, Gore and Bradley neck-and-neck in latest N.H. poll, Associated Press, 1/4/2000
McCain rolls out anti-Clinton ads, Associated Press, 1/3/2000
Legislators hope they can move on, By Laura A. Kiernan, Globe Correspondent, 1/2/2000 -OPINION
For campaign, another look: Voters get month to narrow focus, By David M. Shribman, Globe Staff, 1/2/2000
McCain's funding gains, but Bush still far ahead, By John Aloysius Farrell, Globe Staff, 12/30/1999
Pumping flesh is tough grimy work, By Deb Riechmann, Associated Press, 12/29/1999
Hanover leads N.H. communities in presidential donations, Associated Press, 12/29/1999
After New Hampshire, it's a steep climb for Bradley and McCain, By David Nyhan, Globe Columnist, 12/29/1999 -OPINION
GOP candidates' wives focusing on presidential campaigns, not careers, By Mary Leonard, Globe Staff, 12/26/1999
Gay group raises $40,000 for McCain, Associated Press, 12/24/1999
Attack ad says McCain's soft money legislation hurts GOP, By Jill Zuckman, Globe Staff, 12/24/1999
Presidential candidates qualify for $34 million, but shortfall could limit funds, By Will Lester, Associated Press, 12/23/1999
No shying away from God Talk in campaign, By Mary Leonard. Globe Staff, 12/23/1999
N.H. poll shows Bradley beating Gore; McCain ahead of Bush, By Katharine Webster, Associated Press, 12/23/1999
McCain sues to get on New York ballot, By Beth J. Harpaz, Associated Press, 12/23/1999
Campaigns taking only short break for holidays, By Walter R. Mears, Associated Press, 12/23/1999
McCain critical of Bush's decision to get tougher, By Jill Zuckman, Globe Staff, 12/22/1999
In N.H., voters get personal, By Jill Zuckman, Globe Staff, 12/22/1999
McCain would lift US lands logging ban, Associated Press, 12/21/1999
Bush says he plans to sharpen N.H. effort, By Jill Zuckman, Globe Staff, 12/21/1999
McCain has a million-dollar week, By Jonathan D. Salant, Associated Press, 12/20/1999
McCain backs military's 'don't ask, don't tell' policy, By William C. Mann, Associated Press, 12/20/1999
Bush's support dips among N.H. Republicans, By Walter V. Robinson, Globe Staff, 12/19/1999
McCain hears cheers, hisses in Harvard talk, By Yvonne Abraham, Globe Staff, 12/18/1999
McCain leaves them laughing, By Yvonne Abraham, Globe Staff, 12/17/1999
Bradley, McCain unite on campaign finance, By Jill Zuckman, Globe Staff, 12/17/1999
McCain, Bradley looking to sway independent voters, By Walter V. Robinson, Globe Staff, 12/16/1999
McCain, Bradley declare war on soft money, By Ron Fournier, Associated Press, 12/16/1999
Keep your fingers crossed, Globe editorial, 12/16/1999 -OPINION
McCain jabs, but Bush struts his stuff, By David Nyhan, Globe columnist, 12/15/1999 -OPINION
McCain health care plan would expand coverage, By Michael Kranish, Globe Staff, 12/15/1999
Gore sides with McCain on campaign finance, By Ron Fournier, Associated Press, 12/15/1999
Five candidates sign respect pledge, Associated Press, 12/15/1999
Ethanol gains backing among GOP hopefuls, By Scott Allen, Globe Staff, 12/15/1999
McCain sets high risk strategy for South Carolina, By Michael Kranish, Globe Staff, 12/14/1999
McCain offers health care prescriptions, By Ron Fournier, Associated Press, 12/14/1999
McCain launches new campaign ads, Reuters, 12/14/1999
McCain duels with Bush in Iowa debate, By Curtis Wilkie, Globe Correspondent, 12/14/1999
Reaching for simple truths, GOP debaters overstep, By Calvin Woodward, Associated Press, 12/14/1999
Excerpts from GOP debate in Iowa, Associated Press, 12/14/1999
Iowa GOP questions McCain's focus, By Curtis Wilkie, Globe Correspondent, 12/13/1999
In Arizona, McCain's tactics seen as power plays, By Walter V. Robinson, Globe Staff, 12/13/1999
The attempt to smear McCain, Globe editorial, 12/12/1999 -OPINION
Polished, battle-tested Clinton makes rivals look like minor leaguers, By David Nyhan, Globe Columnist, 12/10/1999 -OPINION
McCain to challenge N.Y. primary process, By Judie Glave, Associated Press, 12/10/1999
Bradley, McCain agree to meeting, By Michael Kranish, Globe Staff, 12/10/1999
Bradley, McCain discuss meeting on campaign reform, By Michael Kranish, Globe Staff, 12/9/1999
McCain bemoans military shortfalls, By Charles A. Radin, Globe Staff, 12/8/1999
Indie voters call the shots, By David Nyhan, Globe Columnist, 12/8/1999 -OPINION
Truth Squad: Some funny math in GOP debate, By Calvin Woodward, Associated Press, 12/7/1999
Excerpts from Republican debate in Arizona, Associated Press, 12/7/1999
Bush bears brunt of barbs in subdued Republican debate, By Michael Kranish, Globe Staff, 12/7/1999
McCain hopes health data put an end to questions, By Laurie Kellman, Associated Press, 12/6/1999
Political notes: Calling in cavalry to keep N.H. first, By Jill Zuckman, Globe Staff, 12/5/1999
McCain moves past the old war stories, By Jill Zuckman, Globe Staff, 12/5/1999
McCain had cancerous growth, By Ron Fournier and Lauran Neergaard , Associated Press, 12/5/1999
Face time with the candidates, Globe editorial, 12/4/1999 -OPINION
After debate showing McCain basks in glow, By Michael Kranish, Globe Staff, 12/4/1999
Most yawn at presidential campaign, By Robin Estrin, Associated Press, 12/3/1999
McCain flashes his passion, By Joan Vennochi, Globe Columnist, 12/3/1999 -OPINION
GOP rivals get a crucial screen test, By Michael Kranish and Jill Zuckman, Globe Staff, 12/3/1999
Few gaping errors, but slips and hype in GOP matchup, By Calvin Woodward, Associated Press, 12/3/1999
Excerpts of GOP candidates remarks, Federal News Service, 12/3/1999
Convoluted rules result in creative spending by candidates, By Sandra Sobieraj, Associated Press, 12/3/1999
Bush shored up his dominant position, By Thomas Oliphant, Globe Columnist, 12/3/1999 -OPINION
Bush, McCain, Forbes in place, By David M. Shribman, Globe Staff, 12/3/1999 -OPINION
And then there were two Bush and McCain, By Jeff Jacoby, Globe Columnist, 12/3/1999 -OPINION
New N.H. polls finds McCain advancing, By Walter V. Robinson, Globe Staff, 12/2/1999
Eyes on Bush and McCain in N.H. debate, By Michael Kranish and Jill Zuckman, Globe Staff, 12/2/1999
GOP candidates blast Clinton foreign policy, By Glen Johnson, Associated Press, 12/1/1999
What are the candidates really thinking .. ?, By David Nyhan, Globe Columnist, 11/28/1999 -OPINION
POW says McCain is mentally healthy, Associated Press, 11/27/1999
Wins not etched in Granite State, By David M. Shribman, Globe Staff, 11/23/1999 -OPINION
Political briefs: Poll sees McCain doubling support, By Globe Staff and Wire Reports, 11/23/1999
Gore widening lead, Newsweek poll says, By Reuters, 11/21/1999
Forbes to Bush: Come on out and fight fair, By Laura A. Kiernan, Globe Correspondent, 11/21/1999 -OPINION
Political briefs, By Globe Staff and Wires, 11/19/1999
Political briefs, By Globe Staff and Wires, 11/18/1999
Profiles play a primary role, By David M. Shribman, Globe Staff, 11/16/1999 -OPINION
Bush's book details his Vietnam plans, By Globe Staff and Wires, 11/16/1999
How we see our role as future first lady, Special to the Globe, 11/16/1999 -OPINION
Temper is normal, temperament unique, By Alvin S. Felzenberg, 11/14/1999 -OPINION
Forbes sees China as potential threat, By Globe Staff and Wires, 11/13/1999
Burgeoning independent vote looms in N.H., By Jill Zuckman, Globe Staff, 11/13/1999
On a day to reflect, McCain courts veterans in New Hampshire, By Jill Zuckman, Globe Staff, 11/12/1999
Campaign Roundup: Bradley leads Gore among New Yorkers, By Globe Staff and Wires, 11/12/1999
McCain, Bush grapple for New Hampshire's former soldiers, By Jill Zuckman, Globe Staff, 11/11/1999
In N.H., Gore Bush backed by women, By Katharine Webster, Associated Press, 11/10/1999
Bradley five points behind Bush in poll, By Alan Elsner, Reuters, 11/10/1999
McCain ads will be first to hit TV in Boston, By Jill Zuckman, Globe Staff, 11/5/1999
McCain taking unfriendly fire from big guns back home, By David Nyhan, Globe Columnist, 11/3/1999 -OPINION
Economic sanity from Gore, McCain, By Thomas Oliphant, Globe Columnist, 10/31/1999 -OPINION
Blunt, unabridged McCain tests 'candor campaign' across N.H., By Mary Leonard, Globe Staff, 10/31/1999
Minus Bush, GOP rivals get their say, By Jill Zuckman, Globe Staff, 10/29/1999
Excerpts from the Republican forum in New Hampshire, By Federal News Service, 10/29/1999
Bush's absence a gain for McCain, By Michael Kranish, Globe Staff, 10/29/1999
Republicans in spotlight tonight, By Jill Zuckman, Globe Staff, 10/28/1999
Signs were there before Dole quit, By Laura A. Kiernan, Globe Correspondent, 10/24/1999 -OPINION
McCain gain seen in N.H., Associated Press, 10/24/1999
Authentic candidates winning new attention from a jaded public, By Scot Lehigh, Globe Staff, 10/24/1999
Front-runner is missed in GOP debate, By Jill Zuckman, Globe Staff, 10/23/1999
Senate foils campaign finance bills, By Bob Hohler, Globe Staff, 10/20/1999
Soft money ban is called no cure all, By Bob Hohler, Globe Staff, 10/19/1999
Ex Bush supporter now backs McCain, Associated Press, 10/19/1999
McCain requests test treaty debate, Reuters, 10/18/1999
Some senators cling to income tax hopes, By Laura A. Kiernan, Globe Correspondent, 10/17/1999 -OPINION
McCain irks some spenders, gains some traction, By David Nyhan, Globe Columnist, 10/17/1999 -OPINION
Presidential hopefuls credit their mothers for making them successful, By Mary Leonard, Globe Staff, 10/17/1999
Senators rip McCain's soft money claim, By Bob Hohler, Globe Staff, 10/15/1999
Bush slows McCain gains in N.H.poll, By Alan Elsner, Reuters, 10/15/1999
Bradley is cutting Gore lead in Gallup poll, By Will Lester, Associated Press, 10/12/1999
School vouchers no longer for Republicans only, By Scot Lehigh, Globe Staff, 10/10/1999
McCain challenges GOP field on money issue, By John Aloysius Farrell, Globe Staff, 10/7/1999
Dole denies she's quitting race; aide says McCain, Forbes fueled rumor, By Mary Leonard, Globe Staff, 10/7/1999
True blue conservative, By Thomas Oliphant, Globe Columnist, 10/5/1999 -OPINION
In funds race, Gore, Bradley neck-and-neck, By Michael Kranish, Globe Staff, 10/1/1999
Christian Coalition in crisis, By Michael Kranish, Globe Staff, 10/1/1999
With a gibe at Bush, McCain declares candidacy, By Jill Zuckman, Globe Staff, 9/28/1999
Narrowing field speeds GOP race, By Michael Kranish, Globe Staff, 9/28/1999
McCain buys half a loaf, Globe editorial, 9/27/1999 -OPINION
McCain denounces Bush for condoning Buchanan, Associated Press, 9/26/1999
He's not running, and enjoying it, By Laura A. Kiernan, Globe Correspondent, 9/26/1999 -OPINION
McCain has staked his campaign on racing ahead in New Hampshire, By David Nyhan, Globe Columnist, 9/24/1999 -OPINION
Foes of McCain's plan head for N.H., By Jill Zuckman, Globe Staff, 9/20/1999
Involve the young in the voting process, By Hank Nichols, 9/19/1999 -OPINION
House votes for a ban on soft money, By Michael Kranish, Globe Staff, 9/15/1999
McCain's book breaks silence on ordeal, By Jill Zuckman, Globe Staff, 9/12/1999
Republican candidates play it safe as they take on abortion politics, By Thomas Oliphant, Globe Columnist, 9/5/1999 -OPINION
Bradley nears Gore in N.H., Bush still leading the GOP, By Michael Kranish, Globe Staff, 9/5/1999
Blaisdell's presence will be missed, By Laura A. Kiernan, Globe Correspondent, 9/5/1999 -OPINION
Presidential candidates make issue of education, By Mary Leonard, Globe Staff, 9/4/1999
Reform politics or a celebrity chase, By Thomas Oliphant, Globe Columnist, 8/31/1999 -OPINION
McCain is scoring points and Bush is noticing, By Thomas Oliphant, Globe Columnist, 8/30/1999 -OPINION
Rift within GOP is widening over issue of abortion, By Mary Leonard, Globe Staff, 8/28/1999
Quayle is not going away that easily, By Laura A. Kiernan, Globe Correspondent, 8/22/1999 -OPINION
Bush wins Iowa poll; Forbes and Dole follow, By Michael Kranish, Globe Staff, 8/15/1999
Stage is set for sense and nonsense, By Hank Nichols, 8/8/1999 -OPINION
The media love McCain, but will Republicans, By Jeff Jacoby, Globe Staff, 8/2/1999 -OPINION
Of presidential bidders, Forbes top spender, By Jonathan D. Salant, Associated Press, 7/21/1999
In Mass., Bush leaves few funds for his rivals, By John Aloysius Farrell, Globe Staff, 7/16/1999
McCain's challenge to the system, Globe Staff, 7/10/1999
Bradley, Bush, McCain speak to minority journalists, By Richard Chacon, Globe Staff, 7/9/1999
GOP candidates race for second place, By Ron Fournier, Associated Press, 7/4/1999
McCain's ace in the hole, By David Nyhan, Globe Columnist, 7/2/1999 -OPINION
McCain puts finance reform on Senate plate, By Anne E. Kornblut, Globe Staff, 7/2/1999
McCain takes aim at system of campaign financing, By Jill Zuckman, Globe Staff, 7/1/1999
Forms offer glimpse into senators' riches, By Curt Anderson, Associated Press, 6/12/1999
Ex-POW McCain losing the support of veterans, By Jill Zuckman, Globe Staff, 5/30/1999
Two U.S. senators share Profile in Courage Award, By Judy Rakowsky, Globe Staff, 5/25/1999
Two senators win JFK award, Associated Press, 5/23/1999
Presidential candidates disclose financial worth, By Sonya Ross, Associated Press, 5/19/1999
GOP sees reason to blur party lines on gun debate, By Michael Kranish, Globe Staff, 5/18/1999
Already a search for scandal in Campaign 2000, By John Ellis, Globe Columnist, 5/14/1999 -OPINION
On troops, McCain often a tough sell, By Michael Kranish, Globe Staff, 4/29/1999
Candidates link killings to TV, absence of prayer, By Jill Zuckman, Globe Staff, 4/24/1999
Candidates' stances vary with audience, By Michael Kranish, Globe Staff, 4/22/1999
Group backs 'all necessary force', By Thomas Farragher, Globe Staff, 4/21/1999
Bush's funds tops in GOP; Gore tested by Bradley, By Michael Kranish, Globe Staff, 4/16/1999
Matching funds for candidates falling short, By Michael Kranish, Globe Staff, 4/15/1999
Bush, McCain candidacies diverge over Kosovo crisis, By Thomas Oliphant, Globe Columnist, 4/12/1999 -OPINION
As crisis lifts his visibility, McCain rejects hero label, By Jill Zuckman, Globe Staff, 4/9/1999
On the road to the White House Kosovo may be a speed bump, By Michael Kranish, Globe Staff, 4/6/1999
The presidential candidates speak, 4/5/1999
McCain, citing Kosovo, cancels announcement, By Jill Zuckman, Globe Staff, 4/2/1999
A campaign trails echoes, By David M. Shribman, Globe Staff, 3/23/1999 -OPINION
Hoping to be president and web master, By Robert Braile, Globe Correspondent, 3/21/1999
Up close and personal, By Thomas Oliphant, Globe Columnist, 3/16/1999 -OPINION
Voters may want more assurance than ever that candidates don't have skeletons in their closet, By Michael Kranish, Globe Staff, 3/14/1999
GOP needs McCain's positive example, By David Nyhan, Globe Columnist, 3/5/1999 -OPINION
Senate's would-be candidates can't wait for the trial to end, By Michael Kranish, Globe Staff, 2/11/1999
Senator makes N.H. a promise if he makes a presidential run, By Jill Zuckman, Globe Staff, 1/31/1999
McCain to look for potential N.H. backers, By Michael Kranish, Globe Staff, 1/28/1999