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Vengeance at Dachau   * Page 1  ...  * Page 110  * Page 111  * Page 112  * Page 113  * More

Vengeance at Dachau

Page 110 of 120

Continued from page 109

Testimony of: Lt. Harold T. Moyer (Contd)

876 A first two or three buildings. My platoon was split going down either side of the road. We received a couple of shots as near as I can recall. There was very little firing from here on as far as my platoon was concerned. I know a Jerry made a break somewhere along here. We had a couple of shots fired here. "M" Company was still covering us although they could not fire because we were blocking their fire. Jerry made a break and we shot him. From there on we moved straight down clearing the buildings where as I know it now were comparatively close to the enclosure where the inmates were kept. I ordered the first squad and machine gun squad to come with me. I was traveling pretty fast and as a result the two squads of the platoon which I had ordered to stay with me became rather disorganized so that there were only about three men of the rifle squad and three of the machine gun squad with me. That is an about figure. I could not remember for sure who they were. None of us have been able to remember. Why I say that, sir, the 45th Division News was trying to get the story as to who reached the fence first and I could not recall only one man definitely. We got the group together to try to get the rest.

877 Q Who was the one man?

A It was Pfc. Edwards.

878 Q Continue?

A We got to the left and went through the kennels, which was adjacent to the crematorium and on down to the enclosure fence. From there it was a matter of getting an organization set up and keeping the inmates within the stockade.

879 Q The copy of the 45th Division News which you have shows a picture of a number of bodies of SS men lying just outside the stockade fence and along a canal. Will you look at that picture and tell me if you saw those bodies at any time?

A Let's put it this way, sir. I saw some bodies lying in what I assume to be that vicinity.

880 Q Did you witness the killing of the bodies that you saw?

A No, sir.

881 Q The bodies which you saw were between the stockade fence and the canal on the side of the stockade toward the kennels?

A Yes, sir.

882 Q Did you see Col. Sparks firing his pistol at a German, living or dead, who was lying on the ground?

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