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Continued from page 77
Testimony of: T/3 Henry J. Wells (Contd)
592 Q They were in a double line?
A That is correct.
593 Q Who started shoving them into the water and started shooting them?
A Some soldier. I do not know who started the shoving or the shooting.
594 Q How many were taken prisoner from this tower?
A I don't believe any, sir.
595 Q I think you told me that they came out and that you put them in two rows?
A Sixteen men were lined up. I thought you meant how many were marched away.
596 Q How many of them did you shoot?
A I don't recall killing anybody.
597 Q You did shoot?
A I did fire, yes, sir.
598 Q How many feet away from the prisoners were you approximately when you fired?
A I could not say, sir.
599 Q Would it be over four feet?
A I can't commit myself, sir, because I don't know any more.
600 Q The distance was quite close?
A I don't know what you mean by quite close.
601 Q What would be your estimate of the distance?
A I could not estimate, sir, because I was more than excited because I believed my life was in danger.
602 Q What made you think your life was in danger?