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Boston Marathon Course section

She stayed the course despite impediments

By Paul Harber, Globe Staff, 4/17/2001

OPKINTON - Before the elite runners stepped to the starting line of yesterday's Marathon, the crowd at the Village Green gave its heart to Katie Lynch, the 28-inch, 35-pound patient advocate at Children's Hospital.

Lynch, 26, ran her own marathon in front of an adoring crowd two hours before the official race. With the help of family and friends and a sturdy metal walker, Lynch, who has been beset with medical problems since birth, covered 26 feet 2 inches, a feat as difficult for her as running the regulation distance is for conventional marathoners.

Her journey was made more arduous because she had taken a serious fall at home over the weekend. Lynch wasn't sure she could make the distance, but nothing could have kept her away yesterday.

''I was nervous like any other marathoner, but it was a good nervous energy,'' said Lynch. ''I don't think it could have been more satisfying.''

Race official Dave McGillivray presented Lynch with a winner's wreath and a pin signifying that she completed the Boston Marathon.


This story ran on page G07 of the Boston Globe on 4/17/2001.
© Copyright 2001 Globe Newspaper Company.

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