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Kiddies having a tough time keeping all 150 known species of Pokemons straight? Let them do what mommy does: Use an electronic organizer. Tiger Electronics' Pokedex (like a Rolodex, get it?) has a keypad and screen that displays stats such as height, weight, type, strength, and attack modes on the little critters. There's also a calculator, and a means to add new characters who, er, sprout.
Carry a tune
RCA's Lyra portable digital player lets you record your favorite MP3 and Real Audio G2 files and carry the tunes wherever you go. It comes with comprehensive software that allows you to convert CDs into the MP3 format and organize them seamlessly. The 32-MB memory card (included) will hold eight to 10 average-length songs, or about 35 to 40 minutes of music. The convenient interface for browsing the Internet for other digital recordings makes finding new music easy and fun.
$199.99, extra memory cards $99.95 (16MB), $149.95 (32MB)
- Jeff Burke
Hearing voices
The VoicePod from Altec Lansing is a nifty device that lets you record your voice to insert into e-mails and Windows files such as PowerPoint presentations, Word documents, drawings, and even photographs. It also allows you to hear voice messages sent to you by others. The VoicePod has a microphone and external speaker and attaches to the USB port of your PC.
www.altecmm.com/ work/work_voicepod.html
Control freak
PC gamers looking for more control in a smaller package will like Microsoft's new SideWinder Dual Strike game pad. It provides the features of a keyboard and precision of a mouse in one ergonomically designed package. It's two game pads in one, thanks to an ingenious pivot in the middle. The ball joint allows the right side to control targeting/perspective, while the left side controls movement. A shift button doubles the number of functions, making it extremely versatile for 3D action games. Requires Windows 98 and a USB port.
- Bob Finn