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Vengeance at Dachau   * Page 1  ...  * Page 116  * Page 117  * Page 118  * Page 119  * More

Vengeance at Dachau

Page 118 of 120

Continued from page 117

Testimony of: Pvt. Albert C. Pruitt (Contd)

934 Q Did Lt. Walsh enter the boxcar himself?

A No, sir. I didn't see him go in it.

935 Q Did you?

A Yes, sir.

936 Q Where were these four Germans when you climbed in the boxcar?

A Well, they were lying in the door and inside.

937 Q Where were they lying with respect to the door; will you describe to me the position of the four Germans in the boxcar?

A When I went in one was lying next to the door and the other three were lying inside.

938 Q Were those three toward either end of the car away from the door?

A They were to the left and just inside.

939 Q Before Lt. Walsh shot these men was there any attempt on their part to escape?

A Well, I don't know, I wasn't very close to the car.

940 Q Did Lt. Walsh suggest that you finish them off?

A Well, I don't know who suggested it, but they were all hollering and taking on and I never like to see anybody suffer, and I had one brother killed by them and one lost his leg, so I didn't like to see them suffer. When they shoot at me why I shoot back at them.

941 Q Were all of these four groaning when you went in the car or was any of the four dead when you entered the car?

A I don't know whether any were dead or not, but they were taking on. I couldn't tell whether they were dead or not, but all were lying on their stomach.

942 Q Were any of them moaning?

A Some of them could have been dead, but there was considerable taking on.

943 Q Did you see Col. Sparks firing his pistol into a German who was on the ground along the railroad track?

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