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Boston Marathon Course section


Resounding Wellesley message: voices carry

By Marvin Pave, Globe Staff, 4/22/2003


Road rave
Zakharova takes women's title
Boston street smarts
Kimutai got over the hump
Runyan fifth after battle
Denisova knew her place: 2d
Hellebuyck leads the way
Ripp, Van Dyk: Spin control
Russian contingent was rushin'
Wellesley voices carry
Heart, sole are put to the test
Hopkinton's just the beginning
Pushing the human body
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In the running

R. Cheruiyot 2:10:11
Benjamin Kosgei Kimutai 2:10:34
Martin Lel 2:11:11
Timothy Cherigat 2:11:28
Christopher Cheboiboch 2:12:45
Fedor V. Ryzhov 2:15:29
Rodgers Rop 2:16:14
David Kiptum Busienei 2:16:16
Elly K. Rono 2:17:00
Eddy Hellebuyck 2:17:18
| Men's Top 25 |

Svetlana Zakharova 2:25:20
Lyubov Denisova 2:26:51
Joyce Chepchumba 2:27:20
Margaret Okaya 2:27:39
Marla Runyan 2:30:28
Albina Ivanova 2:30:57
Firaya Sultanova-Zhdanova 2:31:30
Milena Glusac 2:37:32
Jill Gaitenby 2:38:19
Esther Kiplagat 2:38:43
| Women's Top 25 |

Ernst F. Van Dyk1:28:32
Krige Schabort1:30:07
Kelly Smith 1:30:52
| Complete list (men & women) |

Christina Ripp1:54:47
Cheri A. Blauwet1:54:57
Edith Hunkeler1:56:54
| Complete list (men & women) |

Search BAA database of all finishers

WELLESLEY -- The steel barrier in front of Wellesley College at Route 135 separated students and other onlookers from the Boston Marathon field.

But the sound barrier never had a chance.

Standing two and three deep and wearing T-shirts reading ''Wellesley Scream Tunnel'' and ''Kiss Me'' (with a pair of puckered lips), the Wellesley women led prolonged cheers that picked up steam shortly after 1 p.m., when the lead male runners raced past the Cazenove, Pomeroy, and Munger residence halls.

The noise didn't abate until late in the afternoon, when most of the field had been given its annual welcome at the 20K marker.

Munger Hall residents painted many of the group's signs and posters last Wednesday. Among the signage: ''Wellesley Crew Loves You,'' ''Boston . . . This Way,'' and ''Only 13 Miles To Go.'' But some posters had special meaning.

A poster reading ''Built Ford Tough'' was in honor of Ford Weiskittel of Geneva, N.Y., whose wife, Harriot, is a 1969 Wellesley graduate and whose daughter, Elisabeth, is a Wellesley senior. Weiskittel saw his first Boston Marathon four years ago and has run the last three to raise money for Team USA out of Rochester, N.Y., which supports elite runners.

''This is probably it for him now that I'm graduating,'' said Elisabeth. Her father agreed, but said his last Boston Marathon gave him great satisfaction after he posted his best time of 5:26:14.

''It was a wonderful day,'' said Ford Weiskittel, who raised $12,000 in pledges last year and hopes to equal that this year. ''The crowds were great, and I was able to stop at Wellesley College and give my family a hug.''

The sign ''Run Eric, Run'' was for Eric Hendrickson of Iowa City. A runner in high school, Hendrickson took up marathoning when he turned 40 and qualified in Chicago last year for Boston.

''We flew in to Boston last Saturday and everyone on the plane was coming in for the race,'' said Eric's wife, Mary Ann. Their daughter, Elissa, is a Wellesley junior. Their support was rewarded shortly before 1:45 when Eric passed. Hendrickson finished in 3:55:17.

Runners blew kisses to the crowd, exchanged high-fives, smiled, and pumped their fists. One runner wore a bunny costume, another carried an American flag. A couple of others ran by with beer cans attached to their outfits. And all were greeted by cheers that rarely subsided as the pack thickened between 1:30 and 2 p.m. A contingent of Wellesley College police, including Sergeant Rich Palumbo, was having as much fun as the spectators.

''I always volunteer for this,'' said Palumbo, who resides in Leominster and has missed only one marathon in 25 years. ''I just love to see the expression on the runners' faces when they get to the college. It's a great pick-me-up for them and there's a real bond between them and the students.''

Palumbo also was on hand to root for one of his own. Sergeant Tim Brown of Natick was an official qualifier and ran in 4:15:42.

''Since my first Boston Marathon, I've always been moved by the character of the runners and it seems to get better every year,'' said former Munger Hall house president Bethany Clark of Glenview, Ill. Clark noted that longtime marathoner John Archer, 88, of Milwaukee sent his annual check to Munger to help pay for the posters as well as water and oranges for the runners.

Archer has an award in his name given annually to a Munger student for school spirit and dedication, and he was the college's guest of honor for the Marathon in recent years. Archer, hobbled by a bicycling accident, was back home yesterday, but his family was represented by his son, John Jr., and daughter-in-law, Lynn.

''Dad is definitely here in spirit,'' said John Jr.

In his letter to Munger, Archer asked the students to cheer so loud that he'd hear it in Milwaukee. Shortly after 1 yesterday afternoon, his wish was granted.

This story ran on page C5 of the Boston Globe on 4/22/2003.
© Copyright 2003 Globe Newspaper Company.

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