Bill Mitchell, Nov. 29, 2000

GOP Grinches try to steal it
When the Republicans tried to oust President Clinton two years ago, I borrowed heavily from Dr. Seuss to give you ''How the Ging-grinch Stole Democracy.'' Recent events demand a sequel.

* For Gore, the character test is not yet over, 12/14/2000
* Hard climb ends at the pinnacle, 12/14/2000
* An ordeal that sullied all in its path, 12/13/2000
* Unthinkable finds its place in history, 12/12/2000
* A firm 'enough,' at least for one more day, 12/10/2000

* Earlier Shribman columns
* Lady Luck is following George W., 12/13/2000
* Reverend tells Florida 'Off!', 12/10/2000
* It's a stretch to make George W. Bush look presidential, 12/6/2000
* The awkward art of losing, 12/3/2000
* Who voted for 'Rutherford'?, 12/1/2000

* Earlier Nyhan columns

* With Scalia leading the way Supreme Court commits a blunder, 12/10/2000
* Conventional wisdom is toppled again, By Thomas Oliphant, 12/9/2000
* A case of Supreme confusion, 12/5/2000
* Gov. Bush's cynical end-around in the Florida Legislature, By Thomas Oliphant Globe Columnist, 12/3/2000
* Bush won't practice what he preaches, 11/28/2000

* Earlier Oliphant columns
* Florida is acting just like Massachusetts, 12/12/2000
* Judged by their appearance, 12/5/2000
* The clock is running out on Gore, 11/28/2000
* As the Democrats battle on, is it all about Gore or much more?, 11/24/2000
* Out of one Florida court, a show of courage, 11/21/2000

* Earlier Vennochi columns

* The persistent Kennedy voice, 12/3/2000
* Bush's flip-flop in Florida, 11/26/2000
* Gore's hopes: courts counts, 11/19/2000
* Republican rush to judgment, 11/12/2000
* In black vote, salvation for Gore, 11/5/2000

* Earlier Jordan columns
* What now for America?, 12/14/2000
* Making the election fair, 12/12/2000
* Resume counting, 12/11/2000
* Let the recount begin, 12/9/2000
* Last act, 12/8/2000

* Earlier Globe editorials

In the Boston Globe
Complete campaign commentary
What would Mencken say about this figgy pudding?, By Martin F. Nolan, 12/14/2000
Very human beings under those robes, By Ellen Goodman, Globe Columnist, 12/14/2000
A cynical Supreme Court, By Margaret A. Burnham, 12/14/2000
The court that throttled democracy, By Derrick Z. Jackson, Globe Columnist, 12/13/2000
Lady Luck is following George W., By David Nyhan, Globe Columnist, 12/13/2000
A defeat for liberalism by judicial fiat, By George F. Will, 12/13/2000
Clear the air, Globe editorial, 12/13/2000
Our Tempest a robust play about politics, By James Carroll, 12/12/2000
The winner's short transition spells trouble, By Paul C. Light, 12/12/2000
Supreme Court compromises its legitimacy, By Jack M. Balkin, 12/12/2000
Florida is acting just like Massachusetts, By Joan Vennochi, Globe Columnist, 12/12/2000
The lynching of the black vote, By Robert Kuttner, 12/10/2000
Reverend tells Florida 'Off!', By David Nyhan, Globe Columnist, 12/10/2000
Win at all costs but lose graciously, By Ellen Goodman, Globe Columnist, 12/10/2000

Earlier Globe columns
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