WHERE: Washington University, St. Louis
WHEN: Tuesday, Oct. 17, 9 p.m.-10:30 p.m.
MODERATOR: Jim Lehrer of PBS
SPONSOR: Presidential Commission on Debates
FORMAT: Candidates will participate in a town-hall style debate. Audience members will ask questions. Candidates each have two minutes to respond. Moderator has discretion to either continue discussion of a subject or move to a new issue. Each candidate will have a two-minute closing statement.
    Bush, Gore clash on health care, spending
Democrat Al Gore went on the offensive against Republican George W. Bush in the final presidential debate Tuesday, peppering the Texas governor with criticism on health care, taxes and education.
* Meek Al Gore goes, in-your-face politics arrives

George Bush, left, and Al Gore shake hands before their final debate, in St. Louis. (AP)

Read the full report:   Transcript of the debate

Candidates veer off factual course in final debate
Al Gore and George W. Bush relied on outdated numbers to describe the state of health care and mischaracterized some of their own policies in their final presidential debate Tuesday.

Undecided voters get their chance to question candidates
Voters questioning the next president -- "Mrs." and "sir" as Democrat Al Gore addressed them, or just plain Angie and Joyce to Republican George W. Bush -- wanted most to know what he would do for education.
* Oct. 3: John F. Kennedy Library and UMass-Boston, Boston [ Coverage ]
* Oct. 11: Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, N.C. [ Coverage ]
* Oct. 17: Washington University, St. Louis [ Coverage ]

* Oct. 5: Centre College, Danville, Ky. [ Coverage ]

* Complete coverage of primary debates

In the Boston Globe
Nader loses federal court battle against corporate sponsorship of debates, By Martin Finucne, Associated Press, 10/31/2000
Senate-race debate would have been no-win situation, By Brian C. Mooney, Globe Staff, 10/28/2000 -OPINION
Kennedy fleeing again, says opponent, By Frank Phillips, Globe Staff, 10/26/2000
Kennedy turns down requests to debate, By Tina Cassidy, Globe Staff, 10/25/2000
Parody has become a factor, By Ellen Goodman, Globe Columnist, 10/22/2000 -OPINION
Town meeting is a little too cozy for some, By Mark Jurkowitz, Globe Staff, 10/18/2000
Who won the final debate?, By Thomas Oliphant, Globe Columnist, 10/18/2000 -OPINION
Tech leaders test political waters, By D.C. Denison, Globe Staff, 10/18/2000
Round 3: Bush and Gore wrap up their differences, By Anne E. Kornblut and Michael Kranish, Globe Staff, 10/18/2000
Political gestures: a recap, By Yvonne Abraham, Globe Staff, 10/18/2000
Nader sues over debate exclusion, By Shelley Murphy, Globe Staff, 10/18/2000
Mo. governor dies in crash; impact seen on Senate balance, By Glen Johnson, Globe Staff, 10/18/2000
Meek Al Gore goes, in-your-face politics arrives, By Patricia Wilson, Reuters, 10/18/2000
Who won the final debate?, By Martin F. Nolan, Globe Columnist, 10/18/2000 -OPINION
Who won the final debate?, By Joan Vennochi, Globe Columnist, 10/18/2000 -OPINION
Who won the final debate?, By Jennifer Braceras, 10/18/2000 -OPINION
Feeling forgotten, a group speaks out, By Lynda Gorov, Globe Staff, 10/18/2000
Excitement in St. Louis, and sorrow, By Yvonne Abraham, Globe Staff, 10/18/2000
Who won the final debate?, By Derrick Z. Jackson, Globe Columnist, 10/18/2000 -OPINION
Who won the final debate?, By David Nyhan, Globe Columnist, 10/18/2000 -OPINION
Crowd tracks style points, By Farah Stockman, Globe Staff, 10/18/2000
Who won the final debate?, By Cathy Young, 10/18/2000 -OPINION
Afterward focus turns to format, By Curtis Wilkie, Globe Correspondent, 10/18/2000
A night for Gore, Globe editorial, 10/18/2000 -OPINION
A few missing facts, By Walter V. Robinson and Raja Mishra, Globe Staff, 10/18/2000
A clash of styles, sharply defined, By David M. Shribman, Globe Staff, 10/18/2000
VP candidates hit Florida as bosses prepare for debate, By Brigitte Greenberg, Associated Press, 10/17/2000
Undecided voters questions Bush and Gore in final debate, By Sandra Sobieraj, Associated Press, 10/17/2000
Transcript of final Bush-Gore debate, Associated Press, 10/17/2000
Tragedy again mars contest for Senate control, By David Espo, Associated Press, 10/17/2000
The search for uncommitted debate questioners, By Douglas Kiker, Associated Press, 10/17/2000
Stressed families feeling left out, By Mary Leonard, Globe Staff, 10/17/2000
Nader aims to end debate commission, sues over exclusion, By Connie Farrow, Associated Press, 10/17/2000
Governor's death weighs heavily at debate, By Alan Elsner, Reuters, 10/17/2000
Gore's debate challenge, By Thomas Oliphant, Globe Columnist, 10/17/2000 -OPINION
Gore faces gaffe gap in debate tonight, By Anne E. Kornblut and Michael Kranish, Globe Staff, 10/17/2000
Debates called a tool for the undecided, By Glen Johnson, Globe Staff, 10/17/2000
Mo. governor dies in place crash, Reuters, 10/17/2000
Candidates veer off factual course in final debate, By Calvin Woodward, Associated Press, 10/17/2000
Candidates prep for final debate; Texas Democrats criticize Bush, By Laurie Kellman, Associated Press, 10/17/2000
The search for uncommitted debate questioners, By Douglas Kiker, Associated Press, 10/16/2000
Candidates prep for final debate; Texas Democrats criticize Bush, By Laurie Kellman, Associated Press, 10/16/2000
On debate circuit, Wake Forest comes up short on its delivery, By the Globe Staff, 10/15/2000
The Bush-Gore debates have little to do with the job, By Scot Lehigh, Globe Staff, 10/15/2000
Man behind Democratic debaters is lawyer Barnett, By Brigitte Greenberg, Associated Press, 10/14/2000
No Bush gaffes, but plenty of holes, By Derrick Z. Jackson, Globe Columnist, 10/13/2000 -OPINION
Intelligence vs integrity, By Joan Vennochi, Globe Columnist, 10/13/2000 -OPINION
Bush scored as Gore made nice, By David Nyhan, Globe Columnist, 10/13/2000 -OPINION
Voters hear little to change minds, By Lynda Gorov, Globe Staff, 10/12/2000
They covered their bases, for the most part, By Raja Mishra and Patrick Healy, Globe Staff, 10/12/2000
The gloves stayed on -- kids gloves, that is, By Yvonne Abraham, Globe Staff, 10/12/2000
Round Two: Bush, Gore spar over foreign policy, By Michael Kranish, Globe Staff, and Curtis Wilkie, Globe Correspondent, 10/12/2000
On the personal level, changes are minimal, By David M. Shribman, Globe Staff, 10/12/2000
Bush gets key Texas detail wrong; Gore fudges on education plan, By Calvin Woodward, Associated Press, 10/12/2000
Gore, Bush aides spar over debate miscues, By Tom Raum, Associated Press, 10/12/2000
For one night, candidates' camps relent from familiar attacks, By Susan Milligan and Glen Johnson, Globe Staff, 10/12/2000
Bush seen as better in two post-debate polls, two other rate it a toss-up, By Will Lester, Associated Press, 10/12/2000
Bored, bemused, still looking for a reason to choose, By Mary Leonard, Globe Staff, 10/12/2000
You're too late, Ralph, By David Nyhan, Globe Columnist, 10/11/2000 -OPINION
You can't have a party without hard work, By Martin F. Nolan, 10/11/2000 -OPINION
Transcript of Bush-Gore second debate, Associated Press, 10/11/2000
Say goodbye to those sighs, By Sandra Sobieraj, Associated Press, 10/11/2000
Round two, Globe editorial, 10/11/2000 -OPINION
Polite but pointed disagreements in spirited debate, By Ron Fournier, Associated Press, 10/11/2000
Bush plans new defense of tax cut, By Michael Kranish, Globe Staff, 10/11/2000
Bush and Gore play nicer than ever, and pundits complain, By Frazier Moore, Associated Press, 10/11/2000
Both presidential camps see gentler debate, By Mike Glover, Associated Press, 10/11/2000
Body language spoke volumes in second debate, By Sandra Sobieraj, Associated Press, 10/11/2000
Advice for Al Gore: Mind your manners, By Derrick Z. Jackson, Globe Columnist, 10/11/2000 -OPINION
Gore-Bush II: Look for a couple of nice guys talking issues, By Ron Fournier, Associated Press, 10/10/2000
Campaign Notebook: Campaigns slow as debate nears, By Anne E. Kornblut and Glen Johnson, Globe Staff, 10/10/2000
Airwave sniping sets stage for second presidential debate, By Glen Johnson, Globe Staff, 10/9/2000
The gentlemen's disagreement, By David Nyhan, Globe Columnist, 10/8/2000 -OPINION
If Nader had been there, By Scot Lehigh, Globe Staff, 10/8/2000
Civil differences, Globe editorial, 10/8/2000 -OPINION
Between punditry and polls, By Robert A. Jordan, Globe Columnist, 10/8/2000
Candidates cheer running mates, woo undecideds, By Anne E. Kornblut and Glen Johnson, Globe Staff, 10/7/2000
28 million tuned in for debate, By Lynn Elber, Associated Press, 10/7/2000
Wake me up for the next debate, By David Nyhan, Globe Columnist, 10/6/2000 -OPINION
Tiny Danville relishes the nation's attention, By Yvonne Abraham, Globe Staff, 10/6/2000
No 'thrill in the 'Ville, but gloves do come off in debate, By Yvonne Abraham, Globe Staff, 10/6/2000
Campaign Notebook: Curb sought on debate sponsors, Globe Staff, 10/6/2000
Contrast is in the men, not the message of this campaign, By David M. Shribman, Globe Staff, 10/6/2000
Best night imaginable, By Brian McGrory, Globe Columnist, 10/6/2000 -OPINION
Lieberman, Cheney spar over tax cuts, budget surpluses, By Brigitte Greenberg, Associated Press, 10/5/2000
Vice president candidates debate transcript, Associated Press, 10/5/2000
Truth Squad: Details left out as veeps joust over taxes, By Calvin Woodward, Associated Press, 10/5/2000
Shaw staying up studying up for debate, By Leigh Strope, Associated Press, 10/5/2000
No apologies given for exclusion, By Regina Montage, Globe Correspondent, 10/5/2000
Nielsen estimates 46.5 million viewers saw first Bush-Gore debate, By David Bauder, Associated Press, 10/5/2000
Nader may sue over exclusion, By Natasha Gural, Associated Press, 10/5/2000
Nader challenges U.S. presidential debate funding, By Leslie Gevirtz, Reuters, 10/5/2000
Miami's flooding cuts into Clinton's debate watching, By Sonya Ross, Associated Press, 10/5/2000
Lieberman, Cheney in spotlight tonight, By Michael Kranish, Globe Staff, 10/5/2000
Green Party candidate calls for end to debate commission, By Natasha Gural, Associated Press, 10/5/2000
Gore the winner, debate coaches say, splitting 4-1, By Mike Feinsilber, Associated Press, 10/5/2000
Gore seen as debate winner in most polls, By Will Lester, Associated Press, 10/5/2000
For both parties it's a win-win situation, By Glen Johnson and Anne E. Kornblut, Globe Staff, 10/5/2000
Lieberman, Cheney differ on dealing with U.S. foes, By Carol Giacomo, Reuters, 10/5/2000
Analysis: Cheney-Lieberman in courteous, studious debate, By Ron Fournier, Associated Press, 10/5/2000
A day later, gaffes take center stage, By Walter V. Robinson and Anne E. Kornblut, Globe Staff, 10/5/2000
Rating the debate: Thomas Oliphant, By Thomas Oliphant, Globe Columnist, 10/4/2000 -OPINION
The first round, Globe editorial, 10/4/2000 -OPINION
Surrogates for candidates debate the debate, By Glen Johnson, Globe Staff, 10/4/2000
Students gain lesson in American politics, By Ellen Barry, Globe Staff, 10/4/2000
Street theater highlighted day of protest, By Marcella Bombardieri, Globe Staff, 10/4/2000
Rivals bending numbers review of statements shows, By Walter V. Robinson and Raja Mishra, Globe Staff, 10/4/2000
Reporters are wined dined confined, By Sam Allis, Globe Staff, 10/4/2000
Pundits effect weighed, By Mark Jurkowitz, Globe Staff, 10/4/2000
Protesters take post-debate stage, By Raphael Lewis and Andy Dabilis, Globe Staff, 10/4/2000
Nominees try note of compassion, By Mary Leonard, Globe Staff, 10/4/2000
Nader bearing ticket turned away at the door, By Tina Cassidy, Globe Staff, 10/4/2000
Rating the debate: Martin F. Nolan, By Martin F. Nolan, 10/4/2000 -OPINION
Rating the debate: Joan Vennochi, By Joan Vennochi, Globe Columnist, 10/4/2000 -OPINION
Rating the debate: Jennifer C. Braceras, By Jennifer C. Braceras, 10/4/2000 -OPINION
In Missouri town debate holds little sway, By Yvonne Abraham, Globe Staff, 10/4/2000
In gym, goosebumps and glitterati, By Mitchell Zuckoff and Tina Cassidy, Globe Staff, 10/4/2000
For some, unexpected reactions, By Stephanie Ebbert, Globe Staff, 10/4/2000
Rating the debate: Ellen Goodman, By Ellen Goodman, Globe Columnist, 10/4/2000 -OPINION
Dukakis faults Bush, but GOP aide backs strategy, By Curtis Wilkie, Globe Correspondent, 10/4/2000
Rating the debate: Derrick Z. Jackson, By Derrick Z. Jackson, Globe Columnist, 10/4/2000 -OPINION
Debate notebook, Globe staff, 10/4/2000
Rating the debate: David Nyhan, By David Nyhan, Globe Columnist, 10/4/2000 -OPINION
Rating the debate: Cathy Young, By Cathy Young, 10/4/2000 -OPINION
Bush finds warmth at South Boston rink, By Anne E. Kornblut and Glen Johnson, Globe Staff, 10/4/2000
Both pass key test, and neither prevails, By David M. Shribman, Globe Staff, 10/4/2000
And now, a word from a couple of other candidates, By Brian C. Mooney, Globe Columnist, 10/4/2000
First debate is a clash of words and issues, By Michael Kranish and Anne E. Kornblut, Globe Staff, 10/4/2000
49 students win their way in, By David Abel, Globe Correspondent, 10/4/2000
Understudies watch bosses prepare for own debate, By Brigitte Greenberg, Associated Press, 10/3/2000
Thousands stage rowdy protest outside UMass-Boston entrance, Boston.com staff, 10/3/2000
State Libertarian Party tries to halt debate, By Associated Press, 10/3/2000
Pundits, pollsters rush to television judgment after debate, By David Bauder, Associated Press, 10/3/2000
Public may bear costs of security, By David Armstrong, Globe Staff, 10/3/2000
Party leaders, supporters will get most of the seats, By Mitchell Zuckoff, Globe Staff, 10/3/2000
Older voters focusing on drug costs, By Raja Mishra, Globe Staff, 10/3/2000
Moments that matter, By David M. Shribman, Globe Staff, 10/3/2000 -OPINION
Moakley cool to Bush rally, By Anne E. Kornblut, Globe Staff, 10/3/2000
Mind not the pundits, By Brian McGrory, Globe Columnist, 10/3/2000 -OPINION
Issues for a real debate, Globe editorial, 10/3/2000 -OPINION
In Olympics or deabtes, viewers sick of 'sizzle', By Joan Vennochi, Globe Columnist, 10/3/2000 -OPINION
Here's why I m voting for Nader, By Alex Beam, Globe Columnist, 10/3/2000 -OPINION
Gore fares better in 2 of 3 instant polls but both improved image, Associated Press, 10/3/2000
Gore, Bush debate Russian role in Yugoslavia, Reuters, 10/3/2000
GOP nominee faces his biggest test yet, By Anne E. Kornblut, Globe Staff, 10/3/2000
For many undecided female voters, debate can clarify a choice, By Mary Leonard, Globe Staff, 10/3/2000
Don't worry: We love a fight, By Sam Allis, Globe Staff, 10/3/2000
Debates have come a long way since 1960, By Sander Vanocur, 10/3/2000 -OPINION
Debate highlights, Associated Press, 10/3/2000
Day of protest, patience, By Thomas C. Palmer Jr., Globe Staff, 10/3/2000
Careful preparation for Gore to take 'big stage', By Glen Johnson, Globe Staff, 10/3/2000
Views of candidates not in the debate, Globe Staff, 10/3/2000
Candidates head for first showdown in Boston, By Sandra Sobieraj, Associated Press, 10/3/2000
Candidates both twist facts in debate, By Laura Meckler, Associated Press, 10/3/2000
Analysis: Bush presses his case for a fresh start; Gore focuses on policy, By Ron Fournier, Associated Press, 10/3/2000
Bush links Gore to Clinton scandals in debate, Reuters, 10/3/2000
Bush-Gore debate transcript, Associated Press, 10/3/2000
Bush, Gore debate at UMass tonight, By Michael Kranish, Globe Staff, 10/3/2000
Bush begins trip to Boston for debate, By Laurie Kellman, Associated Press, 10/3/2000
Advance forums find little to fault, By David Abel, Globe Correspondent, 10/3/2000
Activists take time to speak up, By Marcella Bombardieri, Globe Staff, 10/3/2000
Brookline High class is pleased to be seated, By Sandy Coleman, Globe Staff, 10/3/2000
As debate nears, UMass-Boston gets ready for the national spotlight, By Christopher A. Szechenyi, Boston.com staff, 10/2/2000
Protesters gear up for first presidential debate, By Steve LeBlanc, Associated Press, 10/2/2000
Poll: 4 in 10 voters say they'll watch debate, By Will Lester, Associated Press, 10/2/2000
Nader rally draws 12,000 to FleetCenter, By Yvonne Abraham, Globe Staff, 10/2/2000
Nader and Buchanan agree on one thing: Let us in the debate, By Eun-Kyung Kim, Associated Press, 10/2/2000
It's not what they say, it's what they do that counts, By Ed Fouhy, Globe Correspondent, 10/2/2000 -OPINION
Gore seeks to duplicate convention performance, By Thomas Ferraro, Associated Press, 10/2/2000
Gore, Bush hone skills to the last, By Glen Johnson, Globe Staff, 10/2/2000
U.S. election debates bring memorable moment, By David Wiessler, Reuters, 10/1/2000
Nader, Buchanan denounce exclusion from presidential debatee, By William C. Mann, Associated Press, 10/1/2000
Laboring for an advantage, By Robert A. Jordan, Globe Columnist, 10/1/2000 -OPINION
Gore-Bush debate comes with many sideshows, By Amber Bollman, Globe Correspondent, 10/1/2000
Election face-off fails to thrill everyone at Umass., By Jamal E. Watson, Globe Staff, 10/1/2000
Debates pit Gore's details against Bush's charm, By Nancy Benac, Associated Press, 10/1/2000
Why voters will lose out in Tuesday's debate, By Ralph Nader, 9/30/2000 -OPINION
UMass may be big winner in faceoff, By David Abel, Globe Correspondent, 9/30/2000
The debate saga: tracking a tape, By Glen Johnson, Globe Staff, 9/30/2000
A confident Bush prepares for pivotal moment in unfamiliar arena, By Anne E. Kornblut, Globe Staff, 9/30/2000
NBC offers affiliates a choice: baseball or debates, By David Bauder, Associated Press, 9/29/2000
Free advice to the debaters, By David Nyhan, Globe Columnist, 9/29/2000 -OPINION
Debate questions from Main Street, By Walter R. Mears, Associated Press, 9/29/2000
Corporations line up to sponsor debates, By Jonathan D. Salant, Associated Press, 9/29/2000
Campaign 2000 debate schedule, 9/29/2000
Bush prepares for debate in T-shirt and jeans, By Laurie Kellman, Associated Press, 9/29/2000
Gore will head to Florida to prepare for face-off, and woo voters, By Glen Johnson, Globe Staff, 9/28/2000
UMass needs repairs, not just a debate, By Joan Vennochi, Globe Columnist, 9/26/2000 -OPINION
Card to coordinate debates for Bush, By Glen Johnson, Globe Staff, 9/26/2000
Protests set for Oct. 3 debate, By Brian MacQuarrie, Globe Staff, 9/25/2000
Fox to spurn U.S. debates for sci-fi and baseball, By Michael Carney, Associated Press, 9/25/2000 -OPINION
An even style makes Lehrer moderator of choice, By Fred Kaplan, Globe Staff, 9/25/2000
A debate-and-depart strategy for Boston, By Anne E. Kornblut, Globe Staff, 9/25/2000
Supporters urge a role in debates for Green Party's nominee, By Eun-Kyung Kim, Associated Press, 9/22/2000
Groups hope to hijack media spotlight at presidential debate, By Steve LeBlanc, Associated Press, 9/21/2000
The woman who put it together, By Thomas Oliphant, Globe Columnist, 9/19/2000 -OPINION
The elusive debate ticket, By Brian McGrory, Globe Columnist, 9/19/2000 -OPINION
The debate winner: viewers, By Alan Schroeder, 9/19/2000 -OPINION
Those memorable moments, By David Nyhan, Globe Columnist, 9/17/2000 -OPINION
Gore and Bush campaigns must cram for first battle, By Glen Johnson and Anne E. Kornblut, Globe Staff, 9/17/2000
Bush, Gore campaigns agree to three-debate schedule, By Mary Leonard, Globe Staff, 9/17/2000
Boston debate could decide it, By Robert A. Jordan, Globe Columnist, 9/17/2000 -OPINION
Style shapes substance in live-TV format, By Michael Kranish, Globe Staff, 9/16/2000
Ralph Nader rents FleetCenter for pre-debate rally, Associated Press, 9/16/2000
Voters like town hall formats, By Mary Leonard, Globe Staff, 9/15/2000
Debate tape stolen, aides say, By Anne E. Kornblut, Globe Staff, 9/15/2000
Debate panel takes control, By Glen Johnson, Globe Staff, 9/15/2000
Debate news brightens day on UMass-Boston campus, By David Abel, Globe Correspondent, 9/15/2000
Bush, Gore debates set; Boston is in, By Michael Kranish and Glen Johnson, Globe Staff, 9/15/2000
In Lazio, Clinton debate wide-ranging battle, By Fred Kaplan, Globe Staff, 9/14/2000
Debate focus may serve Bush well, By Glen Johnson and Anne E. Kornblut, 9/14/2000
Bush, Gore camps agree on three presidential debates, By Douglas Kiker, Associated Press, 9/14/2000
Aides to discuss UMass site for debate, By Glen Johnson, Globe Staff, 9/14/2000
Bush's concerns on Boston get Gore needle, By Michael Kranish, Globe Staff, 9/13/2000
Bush eager to settle on debates, aides say, By Calvin Woodward, Associated Press, 9/11/2000
Bush puts himself at a loss, By David Nyhan, Globe Columnist, 9/9/2000 -OPINION
Bush agrees to negotiate the schedule, By Anne E. Kornblut, Globe Staff, 9/9/2000
JFK Library, UMass still hope for presidential debate, By David Abel, Globe Correspondent, 9/8/2000
Bush tries out new strategy, shows flexibility on debates, By Tom Raum, Associated Press, 9/8/2000
In debate about debates, Bush presses attack, By Anne E. Kornblut, Globe Staff, 9/7/2000
The debate debate, Globe editorial, 9/6/2000 -OPINION
Tax-cut question real debate issue, By Brian C. Mooney, Globe Columnist, 9/6/2000 -OPINION
Bush presses attack about Gore credibility on debates, By Tom Raum, Associated Press, 9/6/2000
Bills mount along with uncertainty at UMass, By Adam Pertman, Globe Staff, 9/6/2000
ABC, CBS say they won't carry rivals' debates, By David Bauder, Associated Press, 9/5/2000
No Boston in Bush's debate plan, By Anne E. Kornblut, Globe Staff, 9/4/2000
Political Capital: They hope for something to talk about, Globe staff, 9/3/2000 -OPINION
Gore gives commission debates top priority, Associated Press, 9/2/2000
Bush needn't debate merits of UMass site, By Brian C. Mooney, Globe Staff, 9/2/2000 -OPINION
To Bush and Gore, RSVP, Globe editorial, 9/1/2000 -OPINION
Court rejects Nader's claim that corporate funding of debates is illegal, By Jay Lindsay, Associated Press, 9/1/2000
Source: Bush balking at JFK library debate site, Associated Press, 9/1/2000
UMass-Boston, Kennedy Library insist they're 'neutral' sites, By Adam Pertman, Globe Staff, 8/30/2000
Gore camp tries to increase debate pressure on Bush, Associated Press, 8/29/2000
Two camps point fingers on willingness to set a date, By Glen Johnson, Globe Staff, 8/26/2000
Bush wants roundtable talk format, adviser says, By Glen Johnson, Globe Staff, 8/24/2000
A group allied to Nader sues to thwart Bush-Gore forums, By Shelley Murphy, Globe Staff, 8/24/2000
Arguments heard in battle over corporate funding of debates, By Martin Finucane, Associated Press, 8/23/2000
The debate over debates is on, By Calvin Woodward, Associated Press, 8/22/2000
Gore jabs at Bush on debates, By Susan Milligan, Globe Staff, 8/22/2000
Bush balks at sites of forums, By Anne E. Kornblut, Globe Staff, 8/18/2000
Bush proposes three debates with Gore, By Walter Mears, Associated Press, 8/17/2000
Bush noncommittal on debates, By Anne E. Kornblut, Globe Staff, 8/16/2000
Cellucci mulls bill for funding security at presidential debate, By Jamal E. Watson, Globe Staff, 8/8/2000
Debates invite trouble early, By David M. Shribman, Globe Staff, 6/27/2000 -OPINION
Making history in Massachusetts, By Sherry Penney, Paul G, Kirk Jr., and William M. Bulger, 6/24/2000 -OPINION
Debating who gets to debate, By Laura Meckler, Associated Press, 6/22/2000
Nader tries to cut corporate finance in 2000 debates, By Jill Zuckman, Globe Staff, 6/19/2000
Buchanan, Reform Party seek third seat at debate, Associated Press, 3/21/2000
Yes, presidential debate rules are fair, By Paul G. Kirk Jr. and Frank J. Fahrenkopf Jr., 2/26/2000 -OPINION
History revisited: JFK Library to co-host first presidential debate in Boston, By Stephanie Ebbert and Anne E. Kornblut, Globe Staff, 1/7/2000
Criteria released, sites picked for fall debates, By Douglas Kiker, Associated Press, 1/7/2000
UMass Boston to host fall presidential debate, Associated Press, 1/6/2000
Boston offers presidential debate site, By Michael Kranish, Globe Staff, 10/19/1999